The Top 100 Wines tasted by in 2022 has concluded the 2022 tastings, over 4500 wines have been reviewed.

A lot of news from our Company this year; primarily the willingness to taste wines from terroirs outside of Italy in order to make our brand – which was formed in May of 2019 – function on a more International level.

Amongst other news we are pleased to announce the arrival of new forces to the Company and a change of location, our headquarters are now in Loro Ciuffenna where we can welcome even more wines to be tasted.

As we do every year we have tasted wines before they have been released onto the National and International markets with previews of the new vintages of Brunello and Barolo, the 2018 and 2019 vintages respectively. They haven’t been included in this report in order to increase the probability of finding these wines in wineries, wine shops and restaurants.

Also this year  – as in 2021 – the dominating region is Tuscany; in-fact the first Top 10 are all wines from the provinces of Siena, Grosseto, Livorno and Arezzo.

The best Italian wine is from a label that was first produced in 2016: Castello Romitorio Brunello di Montalcino Filo di Seta Riserva 2016. Incredible in its elegant design showing complexity and sensory purity, it steals the scene from many other wines worthy of attention from the critics.

Filippo Chia, owner of Castello Romitorio, brought us in the vineyard Filo di Seta where was born the perfect wine Filo di Seta Riserva 2016.

For many years the team led by Filippo Chia have been receiving high acclaim thanks to their team-work and the solid commitment they have to bringing forth their territory of North Montalcino.

In second place we find a wine that needs no introduction: Fattoria le Pupille Toscana Saffredi 2019. The wine, which is produced in Maremma, shows impressive energy blended with a remarkable, impactful complexity of spices and Mediterranean medicinal herbs.

Elisabetta Geppetti and her children Clara and Ettore are Italian examples of dedication, work and sacrifice and who make the whole province of Grosseto and the country justly proud of their efforts.

In third place an Italian legend: Casanova di Neri Brunello di Montalcino Cerretalto 2016. The single vineyard with a great personality is known around the world for its bloody tones, graphite and persuasive sweetness which are centred in the 2016 vintage and emerge perfectly. Showing a lot of balsamic, fresh notes in the structured, decisive background which create the main skeleton of the wine.

The Top 3 of In the 2022 were tasted more than 4500 italian wines. Only three received the perfect score of 100 points.

Let’s continue to the fourth place which is held by Tenuta San Guido, Sassicaia 2019. It is an extremely complex, authentic wine. Solid and centred with perfect extraction of the polyphenolic components, it needs a few more years to reach its maximum level of enjoyability which has always been a distinguishing mark of blends produced from international varieties from around the world. It is very strong and hard to scratch showing an austere soul with notable tension.

Fuligni with the Riserva 2016 re-confirms its position as one of the best wines in the tasting, last year, with the Riserva 2015 it was at the top of our personal classifications. A mature wine with an important floral bouquet which always distinguishes it.

Galatrona is the best wine produced in Valdarno (an area which has been emerging and becoming much better known over the last few years), Petrolo with the 2020 vintage produces a pure Merlot of extraordinary beauty which in a subtle, elegant manner shows off the terroir, the philosophy of the winery and the vision of a winning project that was born over twenty-five years ago.

Fattoi is a real outsider, the small production of Brunello di Montalcino 2016 is amazing and breathtaking in its precision of execution, luminosity and classicism of the matrix which is perfectly divided between floral and fruity. It is made in three small 10hl barrels of Garbellotto.After this tasting we noticed a real resurrection of the Veneto brand which has returned to producing perfect woods with really advanced technology for many tonneaux over the last few years.

Fattoi Winery. The visit during the Covid-19 gave us the opportunity to better understand the production of Fattoi in Montalcino.

Solengo 2020 deserves a lot of attention, from 2018 onwards we have been able to see great growth in this brand that is situated on the Northern slopes of Montalcino; with the Solengo 2020 vintage, the provocative blend Giacomo Tachis so strongly desired, shows off in its best dress. With a slightly inferior perception of material Solengo 2020 is elegant and unique in the graceful sip.

Closing our Top 10 are two important wines who are already well established in Italian viticulture; Le Macchiole Toscana Paleo 2019 and Tenuta Sette Ponti Toscana Oreno 2020.

Paleo 2019 produced by Cinzia Merli, supported by a very young team headed by Luca Rettondini (external consultant) and her sons Elia and Mattia. It is a pure Cabernet Franc from 2001 which was first born in 1989 (Sangiovese and Cabernet Sauvignon). Paleo is much more than a wine for the company and maybe also for all of the Bolgheri territory. Paleo represents the breaking out, the strength, the courage and the determination of a woman who knows how to stand out in the wine world with elegance and decision. Maybe also a little unconsciously, but in that healthy way which doesn’t allow you to understand absolutely everything yet is often fundamental in finding the necessary grit and courage in the last century and also in this one.

One of the first visit in 2019. Here in picture Raffaele Vecchione is with Cinzia Merli, owner of Le Macchiole in Bolgheri.

Oreno 2020 is a true legend in the Valdarno Valley. The Moretti family, particularly Antonio Moretti Cuseri, has been chasing excellence for over twenty years and continues with the same determination he had at the start. After great investment and a mature ‘vine-park’ which is technically perfectly managed (one of the first and few to have International consultants such as Danny Shuster, the world renowned agronomist) the winery is now living a moment of glory thanks to the vision of the family who are strongly tied to their territory and also thanks to the young, dynamic imprint of the sons Alberto and Amedeo.

More than any other label, Oreno 2020 represents a real victory for the territory between Arezzo and Florence.

The blend is polyhedric and deep, showing cold, dark tones of prunes and sour cherries blended with a lot of spices in the background.

There are many noteworthy wines in our classification; Riecine who is producing the best wine ever from a single vineyard in the most important area of the denomination: Vigna Gittori Gran Selezione 2019. It brings the value of the Chianti Classico denomination to a very high level and slightly steals the scene from the bigger producers.

Alessandro Campatelli, winemaker and wine director at Riecine, is always happy to welcome people in cellar.

In twelfth place we have Mauro Molino with a new Barolo label: Anniversario 2016 is a wine which rests in the cellar for over five years before being released on the market.

For the first time the very young Matteo and Martina have bottled wine from their small plot in Annunziata in the La Morra area in homage to their father Mauro. From one 10hl barrel with only 1000 bottles produced in the best years.

The best white wine in Italy is from Nicola Biasi, Vin de la Neu 2020 has got personality, character, vivacity and a lot of elegance. The bet made by the external consultant ten years ago has paid off with a Mediterranean vintage which touches the highest points in terms of quality.

The best sweet wine in the classification is produced in Montepulciano: Tiberini Vin Santo di Montepulciano Occhio di Pernice 1996 is a really exciting wine. Very few others in the world can make and produce a three-dimensional wine like Vin Santo di Montepulciano, refined in old caratelli with an historic background.

We close our classifications by bringing to attention a decidedly fascinating wine: Keir Ansonica 2020 produced in very limited edition. It is Tua Rita who produces it with the consulence of Luca d’Attoma, who has won awards in Italy and abroad. It is produced from a flat vineyard which is over eighty years old, followed by vinification in amphoras and isn’t either clarified or filtered before bottling.

Following are the notes on all the wines tasted:


Produttore Denominazione Vino Annata Score Tipo
Castello Romitorio Brunello di Montalcino Filo di Seta Riserva 2016 100 Rosso

Incredibly elegant design showing complexity and sensory purity described in the alternating scents of wild blackberries, blueberry juice, plums, liquorice, Barbour vanilla, orange rind, citronella, linden blossom, white almonds, dried cherries and fresh origano. The secondary profile is genuine and smooth giving nuances of rose petals and grapefruit blended with fondant chocolate. Full bodied, silky tannins of incredible workmanship and a finale with a precise and sartorial closure. A new label for Castello Romitorio which has chosen the best grapes from their Single Vineyard Filo di Seta for the first time after 6 years. Better from 2023.

Fattoria Le Pupille Toscana Saffredi 2019 100 Rosso

Imperial and decidedly austere on the nose showing deep notes of black prunes, blackberries, wild myrtle, Mediterranean herbs, sandalwood, cumin and juniper berries. In the background hints of cedar and burnt mandarin peel blend with wild thyme, marjoram and sage. There’s more in the sensory frame which comes out slowly with nuances of gentian and coriander. Full bodied, perfectly blended tannins of extraordinary workmanship and admirably fine grain and an exciting finale with fresh, whispering, balsamic echoes of iced mint and maritime pine. An extraordinary expression made in Maremma, perhaps the best ever for Saffredi, the most elegant and cohesive ever tasted. A blend of 70% Cabernet Sauvignon, 20% Merlot and 10% Petit Verdot. A perfect wine, a divine wine. Better from 2025.

Casanova di Neri Brunello di Montalcino Cerretalto 2016 100 Rosso

Complex and extremely deep and intense showing in the most persuasive and noble manner a floral alternation that is captivating from the start. The scents of wild violet blend with white pepper, almonds, chalk, flint, gunshot powder and bergamot. There’s more in the prescence of fondant chocolate mixed with peppermint and eucalyptus. Full bodied, perfectly polymerized tannins of very fine texture and spicy finale, suprisingly smooth from a truly noble thoroughbred. The best Cerretalto ever. Better from 2024. A perfect wine, a divine wine.

Tenuta San Guido Bolgheri-Sassicaia Sassicaia 2019 99 Rosso

It’s very strong and it’s impossible to scratch the serious,austere sensory profile of Sassicaia 2019. Deep and comes alive silently in the glass over time, animating the scene with perfumes which strongly recall mediterranean herbs. The primary picture is rich in sour cherries, black prunes, black tea leaves, wet grass, cloves, nutmeg and marjoram. Memories of decisive oriental spices hover around the borders of the calamatic sensory image which are difficult to cross. Full bodied, sensual and noble in the sip showing grace and equilibrium, wisdom and knowledge which comes from a big, well projected vision that started with the workers in the vineyard. The silky tannins are perfectly polymerized and the finale of commendable canonic beauty brings back memories of a ‘Sanmartiniana’ perfection with it’s passion and impetus. A masterpiece of Italian oenology which could live forever. Better from 2026.

Fuligni Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 2016 99 Rosso

Mature and complex showing an important floral bouquet rich in withered red flowers which alternate with hints of small berried red fruits and mixed citrus fruit. Medium to full bodied, lightly biting soft tannins and a warm, enveloping finale that gives emotion in every sip. Radiant and essential. Better from 2024.

Petrolo Valdarno di Sopra Galatrona 2020 99 Rosso

Very mature and concentrated in the glass showing notes of black prunes, plums, blackberries, camphor and white flowers. A lot of wild violets dominate the secondary scene giving complexity to the matrix which is of exemplary craftsmanship. In the background the power alternates with grace in the deep notes of quinine, rhubarb and mandarin peel mixed with white flowers and calendula. Full bodied, tannins slightly rigid at the moment but will lengthen over time and a decisive, enveloping finale, giving great feeling in every sip. A gloomy wine which with the passing of time in the glass shows a lot of energy and joy in expressing itself. A vintage to remember in Valdarno, one in which Petrolo interpreted in a masterful manner. Better from 2026.

Fattoi Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 2016 99 Rosso

Floral and rich in its kind profile showing notes of rose petals, geraniums, dried cherries, mandarin juice, bergamot and green mandarin. The kindness of its soul is captivating and thrilling with every return to the glass. It’s difficult to communicate the oxymoron of the depth of the slim profile which makes the matrix captivating and gives a positive predisposition to the sip. Full bodied, silky tannins of commendable beauty and a smooth, true finale which makes ease of drinking and complexity in the aftertasing its main weapons. Only 4000 bottles produced. Better from 2023. A perfect wine, a divine wine.

Argiano Toscana Solengo 2020 98 Rosso

Extremely captivating, breathtaking at first sight giving notes of black prunes, blackberries, coriander, nutmeg and cumin. Really spicy but solid with concentrated fruit showing a lot of muscle which covers the elegance in a balanced manner. Full bodied, very fine grained tannins which border on silkiness and a persuasive finale, balsamic and essential which closes in a fulfilling manner without showing any heaviness. One of the best Solengo wines ever. Argiano has reached impressive levels of quality. Better from 2025.

Le Macchiole Toscana Paleo 2019 98 Rosso

Incredibly captivating with feminine nuances of face powder and sandalwood along with the important presence of black prunes, sour cherries, pink pepper, juniper berries and pine needles. In the background hints of mandarin juice and guaranà give complexity to the matrix. Full bodied, silky tannins, perfectly mature and polymerized and a savoury finale with an intact closure which creates the perfect marriage between a mild bitter presence typical of the matrix and a good quantity of material which is well supported by the acidic spine. Better from 2025.

Tenuta Sette Ponti Toscana Oreno 2020 98 Rosso

Profound and austere in the primary profile, slowly giving itself in a wise manner showing a multifaceted complexity of a select few. The scents of black prunes, blackberries, cassis, wild myrtle, black pepper, juniper berries and chinotto describe the secondary profile. In the background the notes of very delicate hazelnuts and vanilla give pleasantness to a truly genuine matrix which has been piloted by knowledgeable, expert hands. Full bodied, silky tannins of splendid quality and grace with perfect polymerization and a finale which immediately fascinates the consumer. Better from 2024.

Riecine Chianti Classico Vigna Gittori Gran Selezione 2019 98 Rosso

Luminous, it has a brilliant sensory power that is striking to say the least, this young Gran Selezione is pure and magnetic, attracting the consumer with a myriad of intriguing nuances. Redcurrants, raspberries, passion fruit, white peaches, cedar, apricots and lime peel are the primary scents of this elegant Gran Selezione. Full bodied, tannins incredibly silky on the palate and a finale of incredible beauty, hard to replicate. Wow, pure magic in the glass. Better from 2023.

Mauro Molino Barolo Anniversario 2016 98 Rosso

Emotional to say the least, the delicate essence of the character and superiority of the great Nebbiolo stands alone. It reveals a gentle soul yet rich in passion and history in the glass with notes of black prunes, cardamom, cinnamon and Indian spices. The background is a perfect and delicious harmony of perfumes which gives hints of rose petals, red orange peel and a slight perception of wet earth. Full bodied, incredibly silky tannins that show superb quality, difficult to replicate and a finale which is a perfect union between width and verticality. Refined in large barrels of 10hl. The grapes come from Annunziata and this wine is a gift and tribute to Mauro, the father. Only 1000 bottles produced. This is the first time the tiny parcel at Annunziata has been vinified separately. A Masterpiece from Barolo celebrating 40 years of history in the winery.

Tua Rita Toscana Redigaffi 2019 98 Rosso

Decisive and spicy in the primary matrix showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, juniper berries, nutmeg, cumin, coriander and cloves. The secondary core swings up and down with ripe fruits alternating between black cherries, dates and red prunes. The fresh citrusy lash is framed with touches of chinotto and bergamot. Full bodied, silky tannins of splendidly fine grain and a finale which is incandescent in length and multi-layered. Better from 2025.

Siro Pacenti Brunello di Montalcino PS Riserva 2016 98 Rosso

Profound and decidedly elegant in the sensory profile showing notes of plums, blueberries, agapanthus flowers, hyacinth, white pepper and pressed grape must. In the background the bergamot and lime give freshness to the matrix. Full bodied, perfectly matured and polymerized tannins and a finale which shows class and tension. Better from 2025.

Ceralti Bolgheri Superiore Sonoro 2019 98 Rosso

Mature and centred offering notes of black prunes, blackberries, wild thyme leaves and orange peel. Full bodied, distended and harmonic in the sip closing elegantly, decidedly noble in the terse, juicy profile. Impossible to resist now but better from 2022.

Masseto Toscana Masseto 2019 98 Rosso

Generous and decidedly calibrated in sensory explosiveness this Masseto 2019 shows an authentic sensory picture, really genuine, made up of mixed notes reminiscent of black prunes, sour cherries, coriander, blueberry juice, passionflower and liquorice stick. In the background star of anice blends with the fresh tones of lime and bergamot. Full bodied, perfectly matured tannins of commendable beauty and an agile, dynamic finale which fully shows off the territory from which it came. A masterpiece of Italian oenology. Better from 2025.

Le Macchiole Toscana Messorio 2019 98 Rosso

Profound, dense in the glass and in the sensory impressions, Messorio 2019 is a dark, decisive wine with notes reminiscent of black prunes, blackberries, incense, cassis, juniper berries, cherry liqueur, quinine and rhubarb. In the background the secondary complexity shows itself with hints of graphite and crushed blueberries. Full bodied, velvety tannins of admirable beauty and a truly agile, dynamic finale for this muscular Merlot yet still lively and brilliant. From the home of Le Macchiole. Better from 2025.

Talenti Brunello di Montalcino Pian di Conte Riserva 2016 98 Rosso

Terse and decidedly captivating in the sensory matrix showing notes of red flowers, bergamot, linen, hawthorn, camphor, mandarin juice and green tea leaves. Full bodied, incredibly beautiful tannins perfectly fused and polymerized and an iconic finale which shines in its power, precision and smoothness. A masterpiece to be tasted after 2023.

Fontodi Colli della Toscana Centrale Flaccianello della Pieve 2019 98 Rosso

Deep and extremely complex on the nose showing notes of wet geraniums, hot asphalt, guaranà, sour cherries, blackberries, rose petals, juniper berries and black pepper. Full bodied, perfectly matured tannins of incredible silkiness on the palate and a smooth, iconic finale which shows luminosity and an engaging personality. One of the best Flaccianello della Pieve ever tasted. Better from 2025.

Riecine Toscana La Gioia 2018 98 Rosso

Juicy and vibrant on the nose showing notes of plums, agapanthus flowers, hyacinth, passionflower and guaranà. A lot of white pepper and wild violets desribe the secondary matrix augmenting the complexity. Full bodied, a perfectly linear structure, tasty, remarkably creamy with high quality tannins and a finale with an impressive, elegant closure which blends extractive precision with gustatory enjoyability. A splendid reference made in Chianti Classico. Drink now or hold.

Biasi Nicola Vigneti delle Dolomiti Vin de La Neu 2020 97 Bianco

Extremely fascinating showing the mixed floral and fruity notes of magnolia flowers, gardenias, hydrangeas, chamomile flowers, white peaches, chopped almonds and rose petals. There’s more in the hints of thyme and white pepper which describe the secondary scene. It is sweet in it’s soul, perhaps sweeter on the nose than ever. Full bodied, a savoury structure, decidedly linear and biting and a juicy, arrogant finale which makes precision of execution and the extension of the aftertasting it’s main weapons.

Stefano Amerighi Syrah Cortona Serine 2018 97 Rosso

The grace and sensitivity of soul of this pure Syrah is truly touching. It is pure magic in the glass and shows itself off in a regal manner with nuances of rose petals, passionflower, meadow flowers, hibiscus, jasmine, green tea leaves, eucalyptus, calendula and magnolia. It is a juicy, slender wine with sensory elegance being it’s predominant character in anticipation of the tasting. Medium bodied, the chiseled tannins are perfectly integrated into the matrix describing themselves with pure perfection in terms of maturity and extraction and a finale of infinite beauty. A masterful interpretation from wine maker Stefano Amerighi who, in a difficult year, produced a wine which borders on perfection of precision of execution. Drink now or hold.

La Magia Brunello di Montalcino Ciliegio 2017 97 Rosso

Decidedly elegant in the sensory profile alternating the beauty of wilted red flowers with notes of green mandarin, mixed tea leaves, incense and calendula. Medium to full bodied, very fine grain tannins perfectly integrated in the matrix and a finale that gives the quality of a select few. The difficult year didn’t even remotely touch the matrix of this wine which is destined to age in the best of ways. Incredible. Better from 2022.

Parusso Barolo Bussia Vigna Rocche Riserva 2013 97 Rosso

Incandescent in the sensory profile showing notes of red prunes, black prunes, wild blackberries, plums, myrtle, sage, marjoram, chinotto, dates, incense, sandalwood and withered chamomile. Decidedly three-dimensional, veering in different directions showing the complexity of a select few. Full bodied, sweet and captivating in the sip showing brilliance and depth whilst remaining fascinating, bohemian and wild. The quality of the fruit prevails and descibes an ascending parable which gives immediate readings. Splendid right now but could be exciting over time. Drink now or hold.

Tiberini Vin Santo di Montepulciano Occhio di Pernice 1996 97 Dolce

Powerful and dense in the glass showing notes of black prunes, wet leaves, dates, dried figs, chopped almonds, orange juice, sweet caramel, coriander, sandalwood, wilted jasmine flowers and a lot, but a lot of coffee. Full bodied, dense and very deep in the sip with a hot, progressive and decidedly persuasive closure which has an unchallenging sweetness. Splendid. From an ancient mother, over 200 years old.

Tua Rita Ansonica Toscana Keir Bianco 2020 97 Bianco

Unique in it’s noble character alternating notes of very gentle white flowers reminiscent of magnolia, hawthorn, linden and saffron. In the background hints of mandarin, grapefruit, lime and elderflowers describe the secondary soul with breathtaking grace. Full bodied, a silky structure of indescribable beauty and an honest finale, blunt and genuine, engaging from the first sip, meriting a standing applause for a masterpiece of Italian oenology. It comes from soild rich in blue clay which has a tendency to be heavy. From a flat vineyard about 100 years old a unique piece of Italian oenology is born. Incandescent in layered character it can do nothing but be incredible exciting from the very first meeting. Only 1200 bottles produced.

Domenico Clerico Barolo Aeroplanservaj 2018 97 Rosso

Floral and rich in positive energy the pure Baudana from Domenico Clerico shows notes of lavender, hibiscus, wild violets and the white flowers of magnolias and gardenias. Cherries and shy raspberries descibe the secondary scene and augment the depth on the nose. Terse and decidedly captivating showing the fabric and energy of a perfectly trained rebel thoroughbred. Full bodied, silky tannins of commendable beauty and perfect polymerization and a savoury, juicy finale which closes in an impressive vertical and cohesive manner. Emotional and extremely rare to say the least from a difficult vintage. Better from 2024.

Poderi Gianni Gagliardo Barolo Serra dei Turchi 2018 97 Rosso

Elegant and refined, the complexity of champions is present but difficult to intuit immediately. Scents of wild strawberries blend well with salted caramel, red prunes, lime blossom, orange blossom and madarin peel. The splendid complexity of the sensory profile emerges slowly leading to a climax of warm sensations which alterate between currants, raspberries and pressed flowers. Full bodied, biting tannins of notable character, slightly rigid at the moment and a tight, persistent finale. Only one barrel of 228 litres, bottled in 1.5 litre Magnums. Better from 2025.

Altesino Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 2016 97 Rosso

Complex in the primary matrix showing notes of withered red flowers, wet earth, calendula, gorse and sage. Full bodied, perfectly polymerized tannins and a a finale of such grace and splendour that it grabs the reader from the first impact. The smoothness of the wine and the gustatory persistency is of commendable beauty, difficult to replicate. A splendid Riserva made in Montalcino. Better from 2022.

Podere Sapaio Toscana Sapaio 2019 97 Rosso

Complex on the nose showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, sweet caramel, myrtle, juniper berries and nutmeg. A lot of violets dominate the secondary scene blending with hints of hyacinth and guaranà. Full bodied, tannins of a silky nature, decidedly noble and a slightly bitter closure which will distend over time. Better from 2026.

Mazzei Chianti Classico Castello Fonterutoli Gran Selezione 2019 97 Rosso

Smooth and decidedly linear and juicy in the primary matrix showing notes of cherries, cassis, lemon blossom, lime peel and white almonds. Medium bodied, extremely elegant fine grain tannins, admirably polymerized and a finale of incredible drinkability and juiciness. Splendid now but better from 2023.

Poderi Gianni Gagliardo Barolo Mosconi 2018 97 Rosso

Full and enveloping giving warm feelings reminiscent of red prunes, strawberries, dates, toasted pine nuts, pine needles and blood orange. In the background touches of citronella, black cherries and sour cherries dominate the secondary scene of this wine which has a carved sensory profile. Full bodied, silky tannins of perfect maturity and a finale which ignites from the centre palate onwards blending horizontal sensations with vertical extension. On of the best wines made in Barolo in 2018. Better from 2024.

San Giusto a Rentennano Toscana La Ricolma 2019 97 Rosso

Powerful with a dark profile showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, quinine, rhubarb, wet earth, red orange juice, tea leaves, juniper berries and nutmeg. Full bodied, silky tannins of notable harmony and quality and a juicy, savoury finale which demands a return to the glass. One of the best expressions of a Super Tuscan made in Chianti Classico. Better from 2025.

Petrolo Sangiovese Valdarno di Sopra Bòggina C Vigna Bòggina Riserva 2020 97 Rosso

Pronounced and slender in the primary profile showing notes of red prunes, bergamot, black cherries, cherries, lemon peel, guaranà, sage, grapefruit juice and cardamom. It is fresh and vibrant on the palate showing biting tannins and a luminous, essential finale. Better from 2024.

Ciacci Piccolomini D’Aragona Brunello di Montalcino Vigna di Pianrosso Santa Caterina d’Oro Riserva 2016 97 Rosso

Extremely brilliant on the nose showing mixed floral and fruity scents reminiscent of hibiscus, agapanthus, marjoram, origano and wilted linden. The red prunes blend with hints of strawberry and cut cedar and dominate the secondary scene. Full bodied, extemely smooth tannins of a rare silky quality and a harmonic, balanced finale, beautiful in every sip. Better from 2022.

Mazzei Toscana Siepi 2019 97 Rosso

Precise and captivating showing notes of sour cherries, fruits of the forest and crushed blueberries. Full bodied, silky tannins of splendid form and a linear finale of extraordinary beauty and unique craftsmanship. Siepi 2019 is an elegant and decidedly complex wine which stays balanced and deep without ever becoming heavy in the closure. Better from 2024.

Banfi Brunello di Montalcino Poggio alle Mura Riserva 2016 97 Rosso

Extremely fascinating showing notes of calendula, gorse, linden blossom, camphor and cut cedar. There’s more in the background with the alternation between walnut husks, green tea leaves and rosemary which in a subtle yet essential way give a mediterranean imprint to the matrix. Medium to full bodied, tannins rigid at the moment which show tension and a grumpy character and a tight finale of impressive length. A wine projected to age over time, it will need a long time to truly come out with all of its expressitivity. Better from 2025.

Sandrone Barolo Aleste 2018 97 Rosso

It asks for a lot of air to come out but when it does it gives great complexity in the mixed floral and fruity notes of lavender, hibiscus, passionflower, geraniums, wild strawberries, cherries, white peaches and chamomile. It’s complex and fascinating with a snobbish character, typical of a champion, son of an MGA, capable of giving consistency in production even in the most difficult years. Full bodied, perfectly matured tannins well polymerized in the matrix and a finale which is fantastic for it’s precision of execution and persistence in the after-tasting. Better from 2024.

Le Gode Brunello di Montalcino Vigna Montosoli 2016 97 Rosso

It is deep and intact in its dark energy of prunes, mulberries, wild violet, juniper berries and black pepper. It is complex thanks to hints of sandalwood and incense that dominate the secondary scene. Full bodied, tannins of incredible quality, integrated and long and a finale which points vertically, a vibrant closure and unforgettable profile. Better from 2023.

Castello di Meleto Merlot Toscana Parabuio 2018 97 Rosso

Fascinating and extremely terse showing character and precision of execution. The notes of lavender, pressed blueberries, lemon blossom and gardenias blend well with balsamic hints giving remarkable grace. Full bodied, silky tannins of unique beauty and a classic, essential finale reminiscent of the great production terroir of the vine. Chapeau! Made in Casi from a vineyard situated at 400 metres a.s.l with South-Easterly exposure. Drink now or hold.

Barone Ricasoli Chianti Classico Roncicone Gran Selezione 2019 97 Rosso

Classic in the sensory profile, open and dynamic showing notes of red flowers, calendula, broom and chamomile. Full bodied, elegant in the sip showing perfectly polymerized tannins and a solid finale, very vibrant in the extension. Classic and harmonic, immediately striking. Better from 2024.

Fontodi Chianti Classico Vigna del Sorbo Gran Selezione 2019 97 Rosso

Pure and decidedly austere in the multitude of lively, ringing notes, showing energy and tension with notes of cassis, cherries, currants raspberries, lime peel, citronella, white musk and toasted hazelnuts. Medium to full bodied, perfectly mature tannins and a creamy finale of insatiable beauty. Character, energy, precision and tannic quality in this Masterpiece of Italian oenology. Better from 2024.

Lisini Brunello di Montalcino Ugolaia 2016 97 Rosso

Caparsa Chianti Classico Caparsino Riserva 2019 97 Rosso

Precise and rich in the sensory profile with scents of red prunes, plums, mixed flowers and chopped almonds. Full bodied, silky tannins of incredible beauty and a creamy, linear finale which is exciting in every sip. A splendid expression signed by Chianti Classico. Drink now or hold.

Duemani Syrah Costa Toscana Suisassi 2018 97 Rosso

Shining and decidedly terse showing notes of lavender, cherries, sage, citronella and wet hibiscus. Medium to full bodied, light tannins of fine grain and a linear, enveloping finale with an elegant, decidedly modern closure. Great right from the start, an overwhelming, passionate Syrah.

Mazzei Chianti Classico Castello Fonterutoli Gran Selezione 2019 97 Rosso

Smooth and decidedly linear and juicy in the primary matrix showing notes of cherries, cassis, lemon blossom, lime peel and white almonds. Medium bodied, extremely elegant fine grain tannins, admirably polymerized and a finale of incredible drinkability and juiciness. Splendid now but better from 2023.

Castello di Bossi Chianti Classico Gran Selezione 2018 97 Rosso

Classic and very precise in the sensory profile showing notes of raspberries, strawberries, red prunes, green tea leaves, coriander and vetiver grass. Full bodied, velvety tannins of remarkable beauty and an incredibly elegant finale, touching a level of precision of execution close to perfection. Remarkable right away it will continue to give more of itself over time.

Il Marroneto Brunello di Montalcino Madonna delle Grazie 2017 97 Rosso

Sweet and persuasive in the glass this young Brunello smacks of precision of execution with notes of rose petals, grapefruit juice, linden blossom, mandarin rind and green mandarin. Full bodied, perfectly mature, integrated tannins and a warm, enveloping finale, precise and very elegant. One of the best Brunello in the tasting. Impossible to resist from the start but better from 2022.

Cortonesi Brunello di Montalcino La Mannella Riserva 2016 97 Rosso

Floral with a bohemian character showing notes of geraniums, hibiscus, wisteria, mandarin blossom and crushed chalk. Over time the scents of dog rose and white pepper emerge in the glass. Medium to full bodied, fine grain, perfectly matured and polymerized light tannins and an iconic finale that shows the elegance and depth of the Northern slopes in Montalcino. The Riserva di La Mannella is produced from vineyards planted in 1983 and made only from the best vintages. Re-taste.

Podere San Cristoforo Petit Verdot Toscana Amphora Maris 2020 97 Rosso

Captivating and decidedly floral and sensual in the primary profile showing notes of wisteria, linden, wild thyme, citronella, sour cherries, green olives and guaranà. Sweet spices in the background augment the quality of the matrix. Full bodied, elegant and persuasive in the tasting showing noble polyphenols, perfectly matured and a finale with great energy and modernity. It is regal yet it immediately shows itself as lively and positive with concentrated fruit and an impressive lengthening. A Petit Verdot with a strong character yet gentle at the same time. Refined in amphorae under the sea for about nine months. Only 600 bottles produced. Drink now or hold.

Orma Toscana 2020 97 Rosso

Rich in energy and passion Orma 2020 shows notes of geraniums, calendula, orange blossom, quinine, juniper berries, liquorice and gunshot powder. Full bodied, a balanced, harmonic structure of great quality, impressive layering and a long, persistent finale with a vertical extension which is well blended with an enveloping horizontal tilt. Better from 2024.

Marchesi Antinori Toscana Solaia 2019 97 Rosso

Genial and polihedric in the primary profile offering notes of plums, lavender, wild violets, agapanthus flowers, citronella and marjoram. Decidedly Mediterranean hints enhance the secondary profile which is rich in oregano and ripe strawberries. Full bodied, perfectly polymerized tannins of splendid velvety form and a finale with notable progression which ignites from the centre palate onwards. A blend of 75% Cabernet Sauvignon, 15% Sangiovese and 10% Cabernet Franc. Better from 2024.

Gagliole Colli della Toscana Centrale 2019 97 Rosso

Chameleon like and decidedly refined in the sensory profile showing notes of cherries, red prunes, sour cherries, lemon peel and gardenia flowers. In the background the beauty of a Sangiovese shows through with notes of apricots, plums, calendula and guaranà. Full bodied, juicy and polished in the sip with a lovely, vibrant closure of great creaminess. Better from 2024.

Tenuta Sette Ponti Sangiovese Valdarno di Sopra Vigna dell’Impero 2018 97 Rosso

Fascinating and rich in sex appeal the Sangiovese Vigna dell’Impero 2018 shows a subtle elegance made up of delicate floral notes reminiscent of rose petals, hibiscus in flower, magnolia, camphor and lemon blossom. The sensory complexity however reveals itself in the background thanks to the alternation between white musk, rosemary and chopped bay. Full bodied, rounded tannins, perfectly polymerized and slightly pawing for the type of vine and a slim, performing finale which closes in a cutting, modern manner. An exceptional expression of rare beauty from a Mediterranean vintage in Valdarno di Sopra. Pure Sangiovese, only 6600 bottles produced. Two years refinement in 30hl barrels. Drink now or hold.

Poderi Gianni Gagliardo Barolo Lazzarito Vigna Preve 2018 97 Rosso

A lot of energy in the glass showing itself immediately with warm notes of red prunes, salted caramel, cloves, mixed red flowers, calendula and red oranges. Fragrant and lively, touches of red berried fruits give complexity in the background. Medium to full bodied, silky tannins of incredibly perfect form and a finale which joins power, elegance, tension and depth. An incredible wine, immediately exciting in it’s precision of execution and quality of raw materials. Although a difficult year it will prove the sceptics wrong by coming out over time. Better from 2024.

Tua Rita Toscana Giusto di Notri 2019 97 Rosso

Precise and decidedly spicy in the primary character showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, coffee, salted caramel, wild myrtle, juniper berries and black pepper. The energy in the background comes out with touches of liquorice and gentian. Full bodied, velvety tannins of optimum workmanship and a profound finale, rich in material which extends in a modern way, moving the material in an elegant manner. A blend of 80% Cabernet Sauvignon, 10% Merlot and 10% Cabernet Franc. Better from 2025.

Azelia Barolo San Rocco 2018 97 Rosso

Explosive and decidedly dark in character showing notes of currants, black prunes, blackberries, camphor, mixed tea leaves and wet earth. Full bodied, perfectly mature tannins with biting character, slightly arrogant and a finale which tightens from the central palate onwards in search of a lenghtening few could attain during this fresh vintage. Better from 2024.

Renieri Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 2016 97 Rosso

A lot of strawberry in the glass blends with notes of currants, raspberries and orange peel. The floral background gives complexity to the matrix. Medium to full bodied, soft tannins of sublime quality and a warm, enveloping finale which everyone will enjoy for its precision of execution and horizontal character. Better from 2024.

Franco Pacenti Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 2016 97 Rosso

Noble and authoritarian showing notes of red prunes, mandarin peel, cut cedar, coriander, bay and lemon. Vetiver and split vine describe the secondary scene augmenting the complexity and imprinting freshness in the matrix. Full bodied, pefectly polymerized tannins and a juicy, fulfilling finale. A Riserva to frame from Franco Pacenti. Drink now or hold.

Garesio Barolo Cerretta Riserva 2016 97 Rosso

Fascinating and decidedly radiant in the primary matrix alternating notes of raspberries, currants, pink grapefruit and lime juice. Full bodied, velvety tannins of great craftmanship and a dense, creamy finale which makes smoothness it’s main weapon. The tannins are silky and the work done with the raw materials in the winery is simply fabulous. Drink now or hold.

Dario Di Vaira Bolgheri Superiore Dario di Vaira 2019 96 Rosso

Very strong on the nose showing notes of black cherries, black prunes, blackberries, sour cherries, cloves, fondant chocolate and peppermint. In the background hints of sandalwood and vanilla describe the secondary scene with their solid presence. Full bodied, perfectly matured tannins blended with a savoury, slightly bitter flavour and a finale of remarkable persistency and verticality. A modern Bolgheri Superiore, decidedly captivating. Better from 2025.

Giodo Nerello Mascalese Sicilia Alberelli di Giodo 2019 96 Rosso

Wow! The character and personality of this pure Nerello Mascalese is breathtaking in it’s complexity and sensory depth. The scents of hot stone blend admirably with notes of black tea, gunshot powder, bergamot, pomegranate, burnt wheat and liquorice. The authoritarian secondary scene alternates wet red flowers and Mediterranean hints of oregano and marjoram. Medium bodied, rounded tannins of very fine grain and a savoury finale, exciting in every sip. The best Alberelli di Giodo ever produced. Drink now or hold.

Silvio Grasso Barolo Annunziata Vigna Plicotti 2018 96 Rosso

Rose petals, hibiscus, geraniums, gardenias, hydrangeas and dried cherries dominate the primary scene of this lively, authentic expression of Barolo. In the background nuances of face powder and crushed stone dominate the secondary scene. Full bodied, tannins incredibly silky on the palate and a finale of commendable beauty which excites sip after sip. Better from 2024.

La Magia Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 2016 96 Rosso

Very mature and concentrated showing notes of black prunes, wet leaves, chinotto and black pepper. Full bodied, silky tannins and a warm, enveloping finale which closes slightly spicy in the aftertasting. Better from 2024.

Brancaia Chianti Classico Gran Selezione 2019 96 Rosso

Sensual on the nose with notes of blue prunes and ripe plums. In the background there are Mediterranean herbs such as marjoram and burnt sage. On the palate it is full bodied, soft yet present tannins and a truly precious finale of incredible elegance and modern form. Better from 2025.

Valiano Cabernet Franc Toscana Pècchero 2019 96 Rosso

Deep and decidedly vibrant in the sensory profile showing notes of blackberries, quinine, black pepper, juniper berries, sage, bay, glasswort, fondant chocolate, bergamot, cipria rose, talcum and crushed chalk. Full bodied, valvety tannins with splendid form and persuasive harmony and a solid, compact finale with a savoury, incredibly fine closure. Confirmation of an exciting wine which is ready to compete with both National and International oenologically great wines. Better from 2024.

Giuseppe Rinaldi Barolo Tre Tine 2018 96 Rosso

Fresh and balsamic showing notes of lavender, hibiscus, agapanthus and wild violets. Hints of wild strawberries and pink grapefruit describe the secondary scene. It’s complex in an elegant manner, immediately giving the best of itself to the consumer. Full bodied, well matured tannins which show character and bite and a vertical finale with great tension. Better from 2024.

Meroi Sauvignon Friuli Colli Orientali Zitelle Barchetta 2019 96 Bianco

Wow, class and determination describe the primary profile of this Sauvignon which is rich and decidedly complex. The scent of cut grass blends with hints of hawthorn flowers, acacia and mandarin. The subtle presence of wood shows itself in the backgound with precise notes of icing sugar and vanilla but it isn’t overbearing. Full bodied, soft and enveloping on the palate giving harmony in every sip with a hot, spicy closure which it is impossible to resist. Incredible. Better from 2022.

Parusso Barolo Bussia Vigna Munie Riserva 2013 96 Rosso

Solid and decisive in the primary matrix showing complexity in the alternation between ripe fruits, withered flowers and mixed spices. It gives emotion with scents of red prunes, geraniums, juniper berries and chinotto. Medium to full bodied, decidedly mature polymerized tannins and an honest, shining finale of remarkable persistency. Splendid now but will age in the best of manners. Better from 2024 onwards.

Boscarelli Vin Santo di Montepulciano Occhio di Pernice Familiae 2011 96 Dolce

Sweet on the nose showing notes of dried prunes, sweet caramel, wilted white flowers, orange rind, sliced lime and leather. Full bodied, a sweet structure of notable creaminess and precision of execution and a dense, enveloping finale with splendid radiance. One of the best Vin Santo di Montalcino. Impossible to resist.

Il Poggione Brunello di Montalcino Vigna Paganelli Riserva 2016 96 Rosso

Mature and concentrated showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, salted caramel, mixed mushrooms and wet earth. Medium to full bodied, velvety tannins of notable craftsmanship and a noble finale with suprising profondity and natural beauty. Better from 2024.

Conterno Fantino Barolo Ginestra Vigna Sorì Ginestra 2018 96 Rosso

Very sweet in the primary profile showing notes of red flowers, red prunes, strawberries and a lot of vanilla. Full bodied, soft tannins of optimum crafsmanship and a perfectly integrated, linear finale with splendid progression. The perception of sweetness will disappear over time leaving behind just the beauty of the velvety tannins. Better from 2025.

Bertinga Toscana Volta di Bertinga 2016 96 Rosso

Extremely precise and captivating showing notes of lavender, plums, white peaches, pressed blueberries and white pepper. Full bodied, perfectly matured tannins of splendid form, elegant and smooth and a balanced, harmonic finale which hits home with its equilibrium and gustatory persistency without overburdening itself in the structure. Essential beauty produced at Castelnuovo Berardenga. Drink now or hold.

Fattoria Le Pupille Toscana Piemme 2019 96 Bianco

Exremely vibrant on the nose showing a three dimensional quality few can manage giving notes of orange blossom, mango, pink pepper, lime, calendula, citronella, vetiver and chopped rocket. Solid and centred on the nose showing a full body, perfectly agile in it’s robes and a savoury finale with an enthusiastic rounded freshness. An oxymoron which summarizes, in the best possible way, an expression of a pure Petit Manseng which is both involving and exciting. A nose of Sauterns and a unique taste with it’s fresh, savoury style blend to create a wine that is more unique than rare and has never previously existed in Italy. Hats off! Drink now or hold.

Livio Sassetti Brunello di Montalcino 2017 96 Rosso

Profound and extremely complex showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, salted caramel, black tea leaves, camphor, mandarin rind, chinotto and Indian spices. Full bodied, fine grain, rounded tannins and a juicy, fluid finale that closes both smooth and dynamic. It closes elegant and modern and shows great workmanship in a difficult year. Better from 2022.

Il Palazzo Toscana Sal Terrae 2019 96 Rosso

E. Pira & Figli Chiara Boschis Barolo Cannubi 2018 96 Rosso

Piancornello Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 2016 96 Rosso

Iconic and smooth showing notes of red flowers, green tea leaves, white pepper, coriander, bay and juniper berries. Full bodied, soft tannins of a splendid sweetness and a finale which couples horizontal power with vertical length. Better from 2023.

Uccelliera Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 2016 96 Rosso

Very mature and rich in energy showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, cinnamon powder and fondant chocolate. Medium to full bodied, biting tannins which show character and energy and a clean finale with a very pleasant closure. Better from 2024.

Pietradolce Etna Bianco Archineri Bianco 2021 96 Bianco

Pure joy in the glass alternating notes of chamomile flowers, linden, helichrysum, gorse, white almonds and pineapple. It is lively yet subtle at the same time showing great elegance in the complexity of the primary matrix. Full bodied, mature and oily in the sip showing remarkable drinkability and noble raw material, decidedly persistent in the after-tasting. The best Etna Biano ever tasted. Drink now or hold.

Livia Fontana Barolo Bussia Riserva 2016 96 Rosso

Precise and complex on the nose alternating notes of face powder, magnolia flowers, elderflowers, false jasmine and geraniums. In the background the hints of pomegranate, pink grapefruit and talcum give freshness to the secondary profile. Full bodied, velvety tannins and an elegant finale, decidedly harmonic and balanced. Drink now or hold.

Il Carnasciale Toscana Caberlot 2019 96 Rosso

Very deep on the nose showing notes of black prunes, green peppers, marjoram and vanilla. A lot of black prunes describe the secondary scene blending with black tea leaves and juniper berries. Medium bodied, well smoothed tannins and a distended finale with good persistency. Better from 2024.

Poggio Torselli Chianti Classico Riserva 2019 96 Rosso

Warm and enveloping in the primary profile offering notes of geraniums, mandarin peel and blood orange juice. There’s more in the secondary profile which is decidedly Mediterranean and authentic with notes of marjoram and sage. Full bodied, very fine grain, perfectly matured tannins and a linear, persuasive finale. How wonderful! Drink now or hold.

Tua Rita Passito di Pantelleria Sese 2018 96 Dolce

Incredible with an extremely deep sensory matrix giving emotion with the warm cirtusy tones of mandarin peel, orange juice, helichrysum, gentian, capers, gorse and white pepper. Full bodied, an incredibly dense structure on the palate and a finale of commendable beauty. Structured and layered, nothing can beat it in the sector. Drink now or hold.

Bibi Graetz Toscana Colore 2020 96 Rosso

Complex and authentic in the primary profile offering notes of geraniums, black cherries, red prunes, linden, citronella, green olives, cassis and dates. Full bodied, velvety tannins and a fresh, vibrant finale with optimum progression. Better from 2025.

Fèlsina Toscana Fontalloro 2019 96 Rosso

Potent in the sensory profile alternating notes of black prunes, blackberries, wild myrtle and withered red flowers. Full bodied, soft, enveloping and creamy in the sip with a graceful, tasty closure showing a polyphenolic quality of a select few. Drink now or hold.

Pietradolce Etna Rosso Contrada Santo Spirito 2019 96 Rosso

Solid and centred showing notes of red prunes, wild strawberries, boxwood, bergamot and quinine. Full bodied, silky tannins of splendid form and a regal finale which shows elegance and juiciness. Impossible to resist. Drink now or hold.

Rizzi Barbaresco Pajorè 2019 96 Rosso

Large and decidedly polished on the nose showing the complexity of a select few in the hints of cherry, linden, acacia, hawthorn, magnolia and chopped lime. Full bodied, perfectly matured tannins, well integrated in the matrix and a finale with wonderful precision of execution. Real magic in the glass. Better from 2025.

Villa Trasqua Chianti Classico 1000 Miglia Gran Selezione 2015 96 Rosso

Juicy and intriguing in the primary profile showing notes of linden flowers, elderflower, acacia, lemon, ripe strawberries, red prunes, chamomile and jasmine. A lot of bergamot blends well with nuances of glasswort in the background augmenting the complexity. Full bodied, elegant and thin in its slender dress showing perfectly matured tannins and a finale which is truly persistent in the quality of material and gustatory harmony. A splendid Selezione produced as a gift to the 1000 Miglia. Drink now or hold.

Capanna Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 2016 96 Rosso

Deep and decisive in the sensory profile, this Brunello Riserva has got developed muscles and strong bones. The floral bouquet alternates the beauty of hibiscus, linden, acacia, calendula and gardenias. Little red berries describe the solid, performing secondary scene. Full bodied, velvety tannins of optimum workmanship and a tense, vibrant finale with a graceful, dynamic closure. Better from 2024.

Fabrizio Dionisio Syrah Cortona Cuculaia 2018 96 Rosso

Blue tones of blackberries, blueberries and blue prunes in the primary profile. Lavender, violets and spices such as juniper and turmeric in the secondary profile. Medium to full bodied on the palate, silky tannins and a finale with pleasurable extension. Better from 2024.

La Regola Toscana Sondrete 2008 96 Dolce

The Vin Santo di La Regola Sondrete is made by the passito method. A blend of Trebbiano, Malvasia and Colombana which gives strong sensations with notes of pressed flowers, apricots, plums, sweet caramel, calendula and rosemary. Hints of quinine and tobacco describe the secondary scene of a splendidly elegant and decidedly vibrant wine. Full bodied, a decidedly fascinating, creamy structure, noble in the sip and a delicious finale which closes long and decidedly persistent with memories of perfectly mature fruit. One of the best expressions of a sweet wine made in Riparbella on the Tuscan coast. Drink now or hold.

Scriani Veronese Twenty 2008 96 Rosso

Mature and very concentrated in the sensory profile, deep and direct showing notes of pressed red flowers, camphor, mandarin peel, sandalwood, cumin, juniper berries and coriander. Spicy with a lively character, immediately striking, even more so considering that it is 13 years old. Full bodied, soft and decidedly elegant in the sip with a closure rich in grace with a modern vision. A splendid Rosso Veronese which has few rivals on the market. Only 1700 bottles produced. Drink now or hold.

Les Crêtes Valle d’Aosta Doré 2018 96 Dolce

A lot of rose petals, white flowers, gorse, calendula and passionflower describe the primary profile of this young, sweet passito Moscato Petit Grain wine. Full bodied, a precise structure of notable beauty and aromatic depth and a finale of incredible linearity with everything in the right place. The grapes come from Arnad. It is vinified by pressing the entire bunch after the dehydration of 40% of the grapes in a temperature and humidity controlled area. One of the best whites in Italy, totally impossible to resist. Drink now or hold.

Vie di Romans Sauvignon Blanc Friuli Isonzo Vieris 2020 96 Bianco

Chameleon like and unique in the terse, captivating primary profile, it seems to be made up of millions of very high quality pixels. The notes of green mandarin blend with hints of cut grass, undergrowth, citronella, vetiver, coriander and cumin. The Mediterranean inprint in the background reveals itself with the balsamic tones of marjoram and wild thyme. Full bodied, a three-dimensional structure in the sip and a truly persistent finale of optimum dynamic progression. Drink now or hold.

Piaggia Carmignano Riserva 2019 96 Rosso

Deep on the nose showing notes of wild violets, black prunes, wild myrtle, blackberries, juniper berries and wisteria flowers. It is gentle yet decidedly potent at the same time with a terse, captivating sensory profile. Full bodied, well refined, soft tannins and a juicy, brilliant finale which shows style and personality. Elegance to sell! Drink now or hold.

Di Meo Fiano di Avellino Alessandra 2013 96 Bianco

Extremely fascinating alternating notes of white musk, vetiver, coriander, ginger, marjoram, fresh oregano, ginseng and dried mango. There’s more in the secondary profile with notes of amaretto and white almonds. Medium to full bodied, elegant in the sip closing juicy and graceful showing what a great Fiano di Avellino is really made of. Refined for 9 months before being released on the market. Drink now or hold.

Michele Satta Bolgheri Superiore Marianova 2019 96 Rosso

Precise and essential in the main profile it shows notes of rose petals, linden, geraniums, rosemary, camphor and lemon flowers. Full body, soft tannins of important quality perfectly fused in the matrix and a finish that perfectly combines the horizontal and vertical profile. Better from 2023.

Moccagatta Barbaresco Bric Balin 2019 96 Rosso

Mature with a solid, structured character showing notes of strawberries, black prunes, blackberries, liquorice, incense, sweet caramel, very subtle vanilla and white chocolate. Full bodied, soft tannins, very extracted and a finale with a principally horizontal profile. It needs time in the bottle to come out but the quantity of material and polyphenolic components are truly top quality. Better from 2026.

G.D. Vajra Barolo Ravera 2018 96 Rosso

Mature and decidedly bloody showing notes of red prunes, tomato plant leaves, cassis, linden flowers, elderfowers, caramel and wild gorse. Full bodied, juicy and tasty showing velvety tannins and a finale which gives emotion sip after sip. Incredible magic in the glass. The soil it it grown on is rich in manganese and iron making the MGA Ravera strong and structured, this is also thanks to the geographical area which resembles a natural amphitheatre. Better from 2024.

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