Bordeaux 2020, a right bank year?

For the first time since the foundation of the company flew to Bordeaux where we tasted a large quantity of samples in order to write a complete and exhaustive report about the 2020 vintage.

There were just over two hundred wines tasted during an extremely intense two days of tasting, as such it was possible to take an in-depth look at the diverse expressions produced by the Chateau who are either divided or united, however you wish to phrase it, by the Garonne river.

Thanks to the most welcome invitation by two of the region’s most important wine traders we tasted 118 wines on the first day on the left bank, better known in France by the name Rive Gauche in Joanne’s splendid warehouse (the word storeroom absolutely doesn’t describe it!).  Last July we were lucky enough to be invited to taste their selection of wines from around the world, from South America, California, from the Old Continent and the New World with Australian and New Zealand wines. To read that article please click on the following link:

In the tasting with Joanne a very select, tight circle of primarily English and French journalists tasted the wines under perfect conditions, they were divided by denomination; Margaux, Saint-Julien, Saint-Estephe and Pauillac are just some of the areas we were able to look into.

Tasting Room at Joanne warehouse.

The wines in the tasting,from different Chateau, all interpreted the vintage which was hot and rich in noble material in the best possible manner.

The second day however was spent on the Right Bank, the tasting was organised at Chateau Belgrave by CVBG, an enormously important wine merchant for the French market.

The 2020 vintage in Bordeaux was decidedly Mediterranean with hot days mostly in July. As in other regions around the world and analogously the written descriptions in various articles about Italian denominations, the winter in Bordeaux was mild and quite rainy. Over the course of just a few months abundant rain created optimum conditions for the germination of the plants, starting in mid-March with the more precocious vines.

Unfortunately, as so often happens nowadays, a cold spell hit Bordeaux on the 30th of March which caused a lot of worry in some of the areas. 

Luckily the frost damage was relatively low and the season after this episode began with good conditions and high expectations.

The flowering from the middle to the end of May was regular, luckily coming after a rainy period at the beginning of the month.

In June the temperatures were lower than usual with highs of between 24-26 degrees Celsius. Conditions which slightly slowed the maturity of the grapes.

At the end of June it got really hot, the dry season started and there was no rainfall for the next two months.

The plants held up well and there were no signs of water stress recorded, except for some rare cases in the younger vineyards with a higher percentage of sand than those with more clay-limestone. The maturity of the grapes in these two hot, dry months certainly accelerated, making up for time the little gap which occurred in the first two months of grape growth.

A little break from the heat lasted for the best part of July and August, also at night which shortened the blades of the thermal excursions, and a little before the middle of August saw a drop in temperatures and the arrival of rainfall more or less everywhere (Mostly in Médoc, slightly less on the Right Bank).

They arrived at harvest time with good thermal excursions and minimum temperatures of 14 degrees Celsius, conditions remained stable until just after mid-September. The major part of the Merlot came in (both on the left and right banks) between the 10th and 16th of September. However, at the beginning of the fourth week of September the weather conditions slowly worsened; initially sporadic, light rainfall didn’t worry the producers who were waiting for the grapes to be perfectly mature. But towards the end of September the situation became much worse and clearly indicated the necessity to pick the grapes in order to avoid the risk of not being able to get into the vineyard or, worse still, the dilution of the material. It was actually during this week that many of the Chateau on the left bank hedged their bets and chose to harvest the Cabernet Sauvignon.

During the tasting in which we had the great pleasure of taking part some of the Left Bank denominations came out very strongly; those of Saint-Estèphe and Saint-Julien. Margaux is consistent and among some of the most geographically beautiful wine growing areas of the world. Pauillac was convincing but undoubtedly suffered more difficulties.

From the Right Bank we really appreciated the diverse expressions of Pomerol and Saint-Emilion, this last one showing a precise, delicate strength of very elegant form.

Some of the wines which really struck us, leaving a beautiful lasting impression for their quality of material, precision of execution, character and personality on show are Chateau Canon with a genuine, graceful expression, remarkably tasty and juicy; Chateau Beychevelle with an impressive strength and tannic quality and Chateau Cos d’Estournel with elegance and class, material and quality of wood well blended in the matrix.

Some of the great Bordeaux tasted during the 2 days in Bordeaux.

Followed by Cheval Blanc, Gruaud Larose and Leoville Barton. Chateau Montrose is very elegant, really intriguing and Mediterranean. Comtesse de Lalande, the first Pauillac in the classification after the domination of Saint-Emilion, Saint-Julien and Saint Estephe.

For my final thoughts I would like to add that the vintage certainly saw a production of optimum wines which stand out for their personality and taste but above all for their sensory cleanness and precision of execution. A vintage which comes halfway between 2018 and 2019 with extremely high points of excellence.

Probably the Right Bank benefitted more in this round with some advanced maturation of the grapes with Merlot and Cabernet Franc coming in before the Cabernet Sauvignon harvest which is historically done 10 to 15 days after the others.

Below are the comments of all the wines tasted:

Red Wines

Producer Denomination Wine Vintage Score Type
Château Canon Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 99 Red

Elegance and sensory precision reveal themselves in the glass with deep, tasty notes of lavender, hibiscus, wild violet, hyacinth, citronella and catmint. Full bodied, very fine grained tannins and an engaging finale which is immediately exciting. Linear, tasty, full and captivating. Practically infinite on the palate, an expression which truly leaves it’s mark on this Bordeaux 2020. Poetry in the glass, showing off the Saint-Emilion vintage in true style. A blend of 68% Merlot and 32% Cabernet Franc. Better from 2027.

Château Beychevelle Saint-Julien 2020 98 Red

Wow! The sensory profile is absolutely devastatingly good with remarkable elegance and strength. Notes of rose petals, pink grapefruit and pomegranate blend excellently with hints of cedar, citron, guaranà, linden, citronella and hibiscus. Full bodied, perfectly matured tannins and a finale which excites the central palate, lighting up a remarkably pressing progression. One of the best wines ever tasted from Bordeaux. A blend of 51% Cabernet Sauvignon, 45% Merlot and 4% Petit Vedot. Better from 2026.

Château Cos D’Estournel Saint-Estèphe 2020 98 Red

Inpenetrable in both colour and on the nose showing the deep, wild notes of blackberries, cinnamon powder, liquorice, sandalwood, incense, coriander, sour cherries, fondant chocolate and hints of vanilla. Full bodied, extremely velvety tannins, polymerized in an extremely wise manner and an elegant finale, tasty and rich with pulp and material. Out of this world. A blend of 61% Cabernet Sauvignon and 38% Merlot. Better from 2026.

Château Cheval Blanc Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 98 Red

Vivacious, exuberant, dynamic and graceful showing an almost outlaw like liveliness. Notes of blue flowers blend perfectly with the delicate presence of magnolias, gardenias and linden. A lot of elderflower, acacia and a very subtle hint of vanilla describe the secondary scene. Full bodied, perfectly mature tannins and a deep, graceful finish that moves both material and flavours in a truly elegant manner. Better from 2027.

Château Gruaud Larose Saint-Julien 2020 97 Red

Elegant with a Bohemian nature alternating delicate mixed red flowers with hints of cut cedar, pink grapefruit, vetiver, sandalwood and white pepper. Full bodied, polished tannins of remarkably fine grain and an honest, genuine finale which will come out over time. Extremely high quality grapes which have been brought to the glass in a truly knowledgeable manner. A blend of 79% Cabernet Sauvignon, 17% Merlot and 4% Cabernet Franc. Better from 2025.

Château Leoville Barton Saint-Julien 2020 97 Red

Very elegant and refined in the sensory profile alternating notes of rose petals, mandarin juice, cut cedar, linden, gardenias, magnolias and medicinal herbs. Medium to full bodied, velvety tannins of splendid quality and an honest, genuine finish which lengthens in a modern manner. A blend of 85.5% Cabernet Sauvignon and 14.5% Merlot. Better from 2026.

Château Montrose Saint-Estèphe 2020 97 Red

Extremely elegant and refined showing notes of lavender, hibiscus, flowering geraniums, hawthorn, elderflower, linden, gardenias and rosemary. In the background nuances of lime and bergamot emerge which are always most enjoyable. Full bodied, perfectly mature tannins and a linear, tasty finale which is very engaging from the start. Better from 2025.

Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande Pauillac 2020 97 Red

There’s Pauillac in the glass with strong notes of cassis, Mediterranean herbs, ginseng and gentian roots, white almonds, elderflowers and lavender. Medium to full bodied, extremely elegant tannins and a graceful, juicy finale. It lengthens beautifully showing absolutely no signs of austerity from the start. Better from 2025.

Domaine de Chevalier Pessac-Léognan Rouge 2020 97 Red

Exciting in the terse, captivating and joyous sensory profile. Domaine de Chevalier shows a natural beauty without make-up. The notes of cherries, lemon peel, vetiver and sandalwood blend well with hints of cut grass, wild strawberries and grape must. Full bodied, elegant and harmonic in the tasting showing character, tension and a delicate progression which will become a true point of reference for the domaine. Great now but will be stunning from 2026 onwards.

Château Gazin Pomerol 2020 97 Red

Structured and decisive with mixed spices showing notes of black prunes, wild myrtle, juniper berries, black pepper and cloves. Full bodied, savoury and tasty showing elegance, precision and tension. Simply splendid. Better from 2026.

Château Saintayme Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2020 97 Red

Very elegant with fine craftsmanship showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, sour cherries, camphor, sandalwood, crushed blueberries and plums. Full bodied, perfectly extracted tannins and a solid, very precise finish which shows elegance and modern vision. Better from 2026.

Château La Fleur Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2020 97 Red

Extremely captivating and open on the nose showing notes of blue prunes, mixed white flowers, citron, lime, bergamot and green mandarins. Full bodied, very elegant in the sip showing compactness and tension and a very slightly bitter closure which makes it attractive withour distorting the quality. Better from 2027.

Château Pavie Macquin Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 97 Red

Extremely elegant and juicy in the primary matrix showing notes of black prunes, plums, mixed blue and white flowers and mixed citrus fruits. Full bodied, very fine grain tannins and a noble, engaging finale which will come out over time. Better from 2028.

Château la Gaffelière Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 97 Red

Expressive with remarkable sensory beauty showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, sour cherries, wild strawberries, black pepper and guaranà. A lot of spices dominate the secondary scene giving complexity to the matrix. Medium to full bodied, linear and tasty in the gustatory profile showing elegance and smoothness, immediately exciting. A wine which will have a lot to say for itself in the future. Better from 2026.

Château Valandraud Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 97 Red

Decisive and intense in the sensory profile showing notes of plums, hibiscus, lavender, hyacinth, guaranà and magnolia. A lot of white flowers and spices dominate the secondary scene. Full bodied, perfectly matured tannins and an engaging finish, rich in material and flavour. The intriguing character of the Cabernet Franc shows through. Better from 2026.

Château Lascombes Margaux 2020 96 Red

Elegant and refined showing notes of lavender, hibiscus, guaranà, linden, lemon, citron, pink grapefruit and pomegranate. Medium bodied, well extracted perfectly mature tannins and a finish which will come out over time but already shows its true quality. Better from 2025.

Château Branaire Ducru Saint-Julien 2020 96 Red

Elegant and tasty showing a layered sensory profile rich in black prunes, blackberries, cherries, liquorice and cumin. Full bodied, well smoothed tannins of great craftsmanship and a truly precise, essential finale. Rich in pulp which moves in a wise yet modern way in the tasting. Better from 2026.

Château Talbot Saint-Julien 2020 96 Red

Incredibly well researched in the sensory profile showing notes of black tea leaves, black prunes, sandalwood, juniper berries, black pepper and coriander. In the background the essence of Saint Julien comes through with hints of sage and marjoram giving it a Mediterranean authenticity. Full bodied, biting tannins of optimum craftsmanship and a solid, tense finale which shows what the Bordeaux 2020 is made of.

Château Leoville Poyferre Saint-Julien 2020 96 Red

A fan of perfumes hit the reader in an almost Gascon like manner. The notes of black prunes blend well with notes of blackberries, liquorice, mandarin peel, linden, sandalwood, incense, white pepper, vanilla, gardenias and magnolias. Full bodied, soft tannins and an elegant, refined finish of optimum craftsmanship. Better from 2024.

Château Grand-Puy-Lacoste Pauillac 2020 96 Red

Deep and enveloping in the sensory matrix showing notes of plums, agapanthus flowers, magnolias, gardenias, linden and geraniums. Full bodied, soft tannins of optimum craftsmanship and a solid, precise finale of an essential nature. Better from 2025.

Château Pape Clement Pessac-Léognan Rouge 2020 96 Red

Shining on the nose giving immediate pleasure with its primary ‘core’ which is rich with wild strawberries, grape must, lemon rind, cut cedar, mandarin blossom and guaranà. Full bodied, soft tannins and an honest, genuine finish of remarkable beauty. Spicy and dark, it is a concentrated wine which has been made with modern vision. Better from 2026.

Le Plus de Fleur de Boüard Lalande de Pomerol 2020 96 Red

Really deep on the nose and absolutely bewitching showing notes of mixed prunes, agapanthus flowers, hyacinth, lavender, jasmine, magnolia and gardenia. There’s more in the structured background dispensing spices and mixed medicinal herbs. Full bodied, well extracted tannins of splendid craftsmanship and a finish which is rich in pulp and material showing itself and leaving a strong signal in the tasting. Wow! A really noble expression of a pure Merlot. Better from 2026.

Clos du Clocher Pomerol 2020 96 Red

Extremely captivating showing the deep notes of blueberries, lavender, wild violets, black pepper, camphor, orange rind and salted caramel. Full bodied, graceful and dynamic showing elegance, precision of execution and depth. Splendid. Better from 2026.

Château Larcis Ducasse Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 96 Red

Decisive and strong on the nose showing notes of mixed prunes, black tea leaves, coriander, wild myrtle and orange juice. Full bodied, enveloping and solid in the tasting showing fine grain tannins and a truly remarkable, persistent finale. Better from 2027.

Clos Fourtet Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 96 Red

It immediately gives energy and character in the glass with notes of plums, black prunes, sour cherries, grape must, citronella, vetiver, sandalwood, incense and cumin. Full bodied, pefectly extracted and polymerized tannins and a noble, essential finale. Better from 2026.

Le Petit Cheval Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2020 96 Red

Deep and really intense in the sensory profile showing notes of mixed white flowers, plums, white pepper, sandalwood, incense, chamomile and helichrysum. Full bodied, tasty and solid in the tasting showing tension and volume, very pleasurable right from the start. Better from 2026.

Château Gloria Saint-Julien 2020 95 Red

Lively and decisive in the sensory profile showing notes of lavender, hibiscus, guaranà, lemon blossom, lime peel and coriander. A lot of cherries dominate the secondary scene and bring character and shine to the matrix. Full bodied, perfectly mature tannins and a solid, centred finale which shows elegance, strength and modernity. Better from 2025.

L’Esprit de Chevalier Pessac-Léognan Rouge 2020 95 Red

Extremely modern with an open, essential sensory character alternating notes of mixed red and white flowers. There’s more in the citrusy background giving vivacity and freshness. Medium bodied, biting tannins and a slim finish which explodes from the centre palate onwards. Simply wonderful. Better from 2024.

Château Malartic Lagraviere Pessac-Léognan Rouge 2020 95 Red

Sensual and captivating showing notes of lavender, hibiscus, guaranà, rose petals, pomegranate, mandarin blossom and karkadè. Full bodied, very soft tannins and a warm, enveloping finale of a spicy nature. Better from 2025.

Château Vray Croix de Gay Pomerol 2020 95 Red

”Fatty” and rich in the primary matrix showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, liquorice, sour cherries, white chocolate, vanilla and chopped almonds. Full bodied, extremely elegant in the tasting showing noble tannins, precision of persistency and progression. Better from 2025.

Château Clinet Pomerol 2020 95 Red

Precise and vibrant on the nose showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, cherries, white pepper, linden, orange peel and coriander. Medium to full bodied, soft tannins and a tasty finale with pleasurable bite. better from 2026.

Château Tauzinat L’Hermitage Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2020 95 Red

Serious and layered showing notes of black prunes, juniper berries, black tea leaves, cloves and burnt sage. Full bodied, perfectly extracted tannins and a tense, enveloping finale showing splendid progression. Better from 2027.

Clos des Jacobins Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 95 Red

Strawberries, red prunes and caramel describe the primary sensory profile. A lot of mixed flowers in the background give complexity to the matrix. Full bodied, perfectly extracted tannins and a tense, vibrant finale. Better from 2026.

Château Lassègue Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 95 Red

Very deep and intense showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, fondant chocolate and peppermint. Full bodied, perfectly extracted and polished tannins and a warm, enveloping finale. Better from 2026.

Château Chauvin Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 95 Red

Solid and centred showing a really intriguing, deep sensory profile rich in prunes and liquorice. Full bodied, savoury with vibrant tannins and a vertical finale. Better from 2026.

Château Bellefont Belcier Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 95 Red

Deep and structured showing notes of black prunes, cherries, dates, mixed mushrooms, liquorice and mixed roots. Full bodied, great structure and a solid, engaging finale. Better from 2026.

Château la Dominique Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 95 Red

Strong and dark in the primary matrix showing notes of blackberries, black prunes, black tea leaves and sage. Full bodied, elegant tannins showing balance and well controlled tension. Better from 2025.

Château Trotte Vieille Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 95 Red

Out of this world on the nose showing notes of plums, agapanthus, wild violet, cut cedar, lime, crushed stone and a lot of spices. The background is rich in black pepper, juniper berries and cloves. Full bodied, elegant and structured in the tasting showing pleasurable tension and a slightly bitter closure. Better from 2026.

Château Beauséjour Duffau-Lagarosse Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 95 Red

Intriguing and complex showing notes of lavender, wild violets, hibiscus, hyacinth, cumin and white pepper. Medium to full bodied, fine grain tannins and a linear, tasty finish. Better from 2025.

Château Belgrave-Dourthe Haut-Médoc 2020 95 Red

Plums, agapanthus flowers, magnolias, gardenias, geraniums, nutmeg, sandalwood, white pepper, white chocolate, cut vedar and lime. Full bodied, perfectly mature tannins of notable beauty and an honest, genuine finale which lengthens in the best possible way. Better from 2026.

Chateau Cantemerle Haut-Médoc 2020 94 Red

Juicy and intense showing notes of lavender, wild violet, hyacinth and hibiscus. Full bodied, elegant and tasty showing a notable quality of material which immediately reveals itself with smoothness and personality. A blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot.

Château la Lagune Haut-Médoc 2020 94 Red

Radiant and engaging showing notes of raspberries, currants, lemon blossom, mandarin peel, bergamot and citronella. Medium bodied, tasty and flavourful showing quality and elegance. Better from 2025.

Château la Tour de Bessan Margaux 2020 94 Red

Intriguing with good complexity showing notes of lavender, hibiscus, linden, camphor, mandarin rind and plums. Medium bodied, tasty and truly elegant on the palate showing equilibrium and sensuality. Drink now or hold.

Chevalier de Lascombes Margaux 2020 94 Red

Really elegant and refined showing notes of raspberries, currants, pomegranate, pink grapefruit, flowering geraniums, magnolias, gardenias and hawthorn. Medium bodied, soft tannins and a splendidly linear, tasty finale. A blend of 50% Merlot and 50% Cabernet Sauvignon. Drink now or hold.

Château Marquis de Terme Margaux 2020 94 Red

Solid and dense in the glass showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, liquorice, incense, sweet caramel, sandalwood, juniper berries and cloves. Full bodied, very soft tannins of optimum workmanship and a solid, engaging finale which demands a return to the glass. Better from 2025.

Château Rauzan Gassies Margaux 2020 94 Red

Intriguing and serious in the sensory profile showing notes of red prunes, cherries, sour cherries, linden, mandarin juice and sweet cherries. Full bodied, perfectly extracted and smoothed tannins and a noble, splendidly elegant finish. Better from 2025.

Château Giscours Margaux 2020 94 Red

Very elegant and refined it is not afraid to show muscle and tension. The notes of plums, wild violet and hyacinth blend well with nuances of gardenias, magnolias and elderflowers. Full bodied, great quality soft tannins and a really graceful finale, most appreciated. Better from 2024.

Château D’Issan Margaux 2020 94 Red

Shining in the glass with a solid, dense sensory profile which shows itself with notes of black prunes, blackberries, liquorice, cinnamon powder, sour cherries, rosemary, sandalwood and white pepper. Full bodied, truly elegant in the tasting showing juiciness and warmth. The finish is harmonic and balanced showing of essential Mediterranean beauty. Drink now or hold.

Château Brane Cantenac Margaux 2020 94 Red

Precise and essential in the glass showing notes of blackberries, wild cherries, mandarin peel, pink grapefruit, rose petals and gardenias. Full bodied, soft tannins and a juicy, linear finale. Drink now or hold.

Château Rauzan Segla Margaux 2020 94 Red

Exuberant in the glass showing notes of plums, wild violets, agapanthus flowers, pink grapefruit, pomegranate and linden. The central core tells of red prunes and currants which give character and polish to the matrix. Medium to full bodied, soft tannins and a tasty finish. Drink now or hold.

Château Langoa Barton Saint-Julien 2020 94 Red

Very elegant and refined showing juiciness and sensory equilibrium, it reveals notes of black prunes, liquorice, blackberries, sandalwood, incense, fondant chocolate and peppermint. Full bodied, sift tannins and a smooth, tasty finale. Better from 2025.

Château Lagrange Saint-Julien 2020 94 Red

Elegant and composed on the nose showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, cherries, sour cherries, red orange, cumin, sandalwood and wild strawberries. Full bodied, perfectly extracted tannins and a really great finish in terms of compactness and dynamicity. Better from 2025.

Château Saint Pierre Saint-Julien 2020 94 Red

Very elegant and well lengthened in the sensory profile showing notes of lavender, hibiscus, red prunes, cut cedar, lemon, lime and vetiver. Medium bodied, good quality biting tannins and a tense finale which needs some time to distend. Better from 2025.

Château Phelan Segur Saint-Estèphe 2020 94 Red

Very elegant and precise in the sensory profile with a subtle, shy nature, slowly revealing notes of lavender, red prunes, cherries, sour cherries and wild strawberries. Medium bodied, light tannins of optimum craftsmanship and a classic, tasty finish. Better from 2025.

Pagodes de Cos Saint-Estèphe 2020 94 Red

Fresh and floral showing notes of hibiscus, guaranà and pomegranate. Green mandarin and bergamot describe the secondary scene augmenting the complexity. Full bodied, very soft tannins and a tasty finale with a more horizontal than vertical profile. Better from 2025.

Château Lynch Moussas Pauillac 2020 94 Red

Raspberries, currants, coriander, flowering linden, sandalwood and white pepper describe the primary scene of this young Paullac which still has a long way to go before it can give it’s all. In the background hints of almonds, citronella and vetiver describe the secondary scene. Medium bodied, perfectly extracted tannins and an elegant, composed finale, likeable for its essential beauty. Drink now or hold.

Château Pedesclaux Pauillac 2020 94 Red

Precise and essential in the glass offering notes of raspberries, currants, wild violets, hyacinth, magnolias and gardenias. There’s more in the Mediterranean sensory traces which engage the taster in the secondary scene. Medium bodied, tannins of optimum fine grain and a graceful, sunny finish. Better from 2025.

Reserve de la Comtesse Pauillac 2020 94 Red

Wow! Deep and intense playing with a really exciting mixed sensory profile which tells of notes of plums, pressed blueberries, magnolias, gardenias, hawthorn, white almonds and chopped lime. Full bodied, light tannins present in the matrix and a solid, enveloping finale. Splendid right away but better from 2025.

Domaine de la Solitude Pessac-Léognan Rouge 2020 94 Red

Precise and essential on the nose showing notes of lavender, currants, raspberries, linden, geraniums, violets and hibiscus. Full bodied, perfectly blended and polymerized tannins and a truly elegant finale with great form and length. Better from 2025.

Château Cantelys Pessac-Léognan Rouge 2020 94 Red

Serious and essential showing sensory depth and tension in the notes of plums, agapanthus, wild violet, hyacinth and gardenia. Medium to full bodied, perfectly mature tannins and a finale of admirable beauty. Better from 2025.

Château Lespault-Martillac Pessac-Léognan Rouge 2020 94 Red

Truly elegant and essential by nature showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, cherries, wild strawberries, white chocolate and vanilla. Medium bodied, light tannins of optimum quality, perfectly extracted and a tasty, authentic finish. A beautiful expression made in Pessac-Leognan. Better from 2024.

Château Olivier Pessac-Léognan Rouge 2020 94 Red

Mature and engaging showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, wet asphalt, flowering geraniums, jasmine, mandarin peel and lemon juice. Full bodied, very soft tannins of optimum fine grain and a suprising finale which gives unexpected emotions. Better from 2026.

Château Larrivet Haut-Brion Pessac-Léognan Rouge 2020 94 Red

Elegant and decisive in the sensory profile alternating notes of lavender, hibiscus, jasmine, orange blossom and guaranà. Very fresh and polished in the complex, authentic backgound. Full bodied, perfectly extracted, smoothed tannins and an intact, captivating finale which demands a return to the glass. Better from 2026.

Château Marsau Francs Côtes de Bordeaux 2020 94 Red

Centred and alive alternating notes of fruits of the forest with notes of sour cherries, lemon juice, lemon blossom, cut cedar, bergamot and linden. Hawthorn and gardenias describe the terse, very precise secondary scene. Full bodied, well extracted, perfectly mature tannins and an engaging finale which lights up from the centre palate onwards. Better from 2025.

Haut-Carles Fronsac 2020 94 Red

Reductive on the nose but decidedly complex showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, lavender in flower, hibiscus, wild violets and incense. Full bodied, biting tannins of optimum craftsmanship and a solid, centred finish which shows fullness, concentrations and progression. Immediately great but better from 2025.

Château La Fleur de Boüard Lalande de Pomerol 2020 94 Red

Elegant and noble in the sensory profile showing notes of blackberries, sour cherries, crushed blueberries, lemon peel, hyacinth, karkadè, wild strawberries and plums. Full bodied, soft, fine grain tannins and a linear, enveloping finale which remains luminous and compact throughout the whole progression. Better from 2025.

Château Clos de Boüard Montagne Saint-Emilion 2020 94 Red

Potent and decidedly layered altenating notes of blackberries, cherries, wild blueberries, plums, blue meadow flowers, medicinal herbs, peppermint and coriander. Full bodied, perfectly smoothed tannins and a truly elegant, wise finale which joins equilibrium, smoothness and character. Better from 2026.

Château l’Enclos Pomerol 2020 94 Red

Very elegant and smoothe in the sensory profile showing notes of lavender, wild violets, hibiscus, gardenia flowers, magnolia and elderflower. The secondary profile is very fresh offering eucalyptus and peppermint. Full bodied, solid and mature on the centre palate with strong reminders of the grape variety in the aftertasting. Better from 2026.

Château le Bon Pasteur Pomerol 2020 94 Red

Elegant with splendid sensory craftsmanship showing notes of black prunes, juniper berries, black pepper, wild violet, boxwood, cut grass and sour cherries. Full bodied, elegant and long in the sip showing fullness and enjoyability. Better from 2025.

Château Rouget Pomerol 2020 94 Red

Extremely captivating on the nose showing notes of lavender, hibiscus, guaranà and magnolia and gardenia flowers. Very delicate yet at the same time deep, an oxymoron which always means quality, showing itself to be full bodied with soft tannins and an extremely enjoyable finish. Better from 2025.

Clos La Gaffelière Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 94 Red

Refined and terse showing a very elegant sensory profile of super-fine craftsmanship. Notes of cherries blend well with hints of gardenia, magnolia and hibiscus flowers. White pepper dominates the secondary scene. Medium to full bodied, fine grain tannins and a linear, tasty finish. Splendid now but better from 2026.

Château Fombrauge Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 94 Red

Very mature on the nose showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, blueberries and camphor. Orange blossom in the background. Full bodied, slightly rigid tannins and a finale with optimum progression. Better from 2026.

Château Tour Saint Christophe Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 94 Red

Precise and essential showing notes of lavender, hibiscus and violet. A lot of hyacinth in the background. Full bodied, biting tannins and a hot, structured finale. Better from 2025.

Château Fleur Cardinale Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 94 Red

Vibrant and spicy showing notes of prunes, plums, wild violets and blackberries. Full bodied, elegant and long in the sip showing precision and kindess. Drink now or hold.

Virginie de Valandraud Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2020 94 Red

Very mature and captivating in the primary matrix showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, ripe strawberries, pine needles, sage, marjoram and a lot of vanilla. Full bodied, smooth and precise noble tannins, complex and enveloping. Better from 2025.

Château Grand Barrail Lamarzelle Figeac-Dourthe Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2020 94 Red

Decisive and rich in the primary matrix showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, pressed red flowers and gardenias. A lot of vanilla in the background dominates the secondary scene. Full bodied, well extracted tannins and a tight finale which shows tension and length. Better from 2026.

Château Rahoul-Dourthe Graves Rouge 2020 94 Red

Vibrant and very decisive in the sensory profile showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, mandarin blossom, sage and marjoram. Full bodied, velvety tannins of optimum craftsmanship and a really tasty, linear finish. Beautiful now but better from 2025.

Château le Boscq-Dourth Saint-Estèphe 2020 94 Red

Solid and centred showing notes of plums, green tea leaves, magnolias, gardenias and walnut husk. A lot of Mediterranean nuances describe the secondary scene. Full bodied, very soft tannins and a solid, intense finish, remarkably creamy. Better from 2026.

Chateau Larrivaux Haut-Médoc 2020 93 Red

Classic and elegant in the glass showing notes of lavender, hawthorn, linden flowers and mandarin blossom. Medium bodied, very fine grain tannins and a precise, essential finale of a slender nature but decidedly fine and radiant. Better from 2025.

Chateau Lanessan Haut-Médoc 2020 93 Red

Intriguing with good sensory precision showing notes of hibiscus, sandalwood, black pepper, incense, wild violet, hyacinth and coriander. Spicy and intriguing showing a full body on the palate. Silky tannins and a truly elegant, tasty finale. Beautiful now but better from 2024.

Château Mauvesin Barton Moulis 2020 93 Red

Lively and colourful on the nose showing notes of lavender, hibiscus, guaranà and lemon blossom. Citrus fruits dominate the secondary scene giving it notable beauty. Medium bodied, soft tannins of great workmanship and a tasty, savoury finale which demands a return to the glass. Better from 2024.

Chateau Cambon La Pelouse Haut-Médoc 2020 93 Red

Decisive and intense in the solid sensory profile, hard to scratch showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, hot asphalt, sandalwood, juniper berries and cloves. Full bodied, velvety tannins with good bite and a tense, vibrant finale, love at first sight. A blend of 50% Cabernet Sauvignon and 50% Merlot. Better from 2025.

Chateau Charmail Haut-Médoc 2020 93 Red

Precise and serious in the sensory profile showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, sandalwood, black pepper and incense. A lot of ash emerges in the secondary profile. Full bodied, tannins of optimum maturity and a really tasty finale. Drink now or hold.

Chateau Clement Pichon Haut-Médoc 2020 93 Red

Classic in style showing notes of black prunes, wet asphalt, mixed flowers, mixed citrus fruit and fondant chocolate. Full bodied, velvety tannins and a creamy finish of great beauty. Wow! A blend of 70% Merlot, 25% Cabernet Sauvignon and 5% Cabernet Franc.

Château Chasse Spleen Moulis-en-Médoc 2020 93 Red

Deep and decisive in the sensory profile alternating notes of blue prunes with hyacinth, lemon blossom, pink grapefruit and gardenias. Full bodied, perfectly extracted tannins and a decisive, tasty finale with optimum flavour and flow. Better from 2025.

Château du Tertre Margaux 2020 93 Red

Precise ans serious showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, coriander, wet asphlat, burnt earth and mandarin peel. Full bodied, soft tannins and a finale of medium length. Drink now.

Château Kirwan Margaux 2020 93 Red

Juicy and vibrant on the nose showing notes of raspberries, currants cut cedar, lemon juice and vetiver. Medium to full bodied, biting tannins and a flavourful finale of optimum smoothness. Better from 2024.

Château Dauzac Margaux 2020 93 Red

Raspberries, currants, linden flowers, gardenias, magnolias and elderflowers describe the sensory profile of this young, vibrant expression made in Margaux. Medium bodied, biting tannins and a juicy, intriguing finale. Beautiful from the start. Drink now or hold.

Connetable de Talbot Saint-Julien 2020 93 Red

Precise and mature in the glass showing notes of red prunes, strawberries, sour cherries, linden flowers, elderflowers, jasmine and gardenias. Mandarins and orange blossom describe the background. Full bodied, fatty and solid in the sip showing elegance and modernity. Better from 2024.

Les Fiefs de Lagrange Saint-Julien 2020 93 Red

Solid and compact on the nose showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, liquorice, mixed flowers and white pepper. Medium bodied, tannins slightly rigid at the moment and a tense, enveloping finale which will come out over time. Really salty in the closure. Better from 2025.

Château Haut Marbuzet Saint-Estèphe 2020 93 Red

Lavender, hibiscus, wild violet, magnolia, hawthorn and gardenia flowers describe the sensory profile of this lively Saint-Estèphe. A lot of quinine and cherries in liqueur describe the secondary scene. Full bodied, very smoothed tannins and a solid, compact finale which will lengthen over time. Better from 2024.

Château Grand Puy Ducasse Pauillac 2020 93 Red

Solid and decidedly fascinating in the glass showing notes of red prunes, strawberries, orange peel, cumin, coriander and guaranà. Full bodied, very smooth tannins and a finale with optimum tension. Better from 2026.

Clos Floridene Graves Rouge 2020 93 Red

Luminous and essential showing good sensory predisposition with hints of black prunes, blackberries, incense, white pepper and sandalwood. A lot of balsamic freshness describes the secondary scene with tones of eucalyptus and peppermint. Medium bodied, perfectly mature tannins and a graceful, engaging finale. Better from 2025.

Château Brown Pessac-Léognan Rouge 2020 93 Red

Solid and vibrant on the nose showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, coriander, incense and black pepper. Medium to full bodied, soft tannins and a classic finale of optimum craftsmanship. Slightly bitter in the closure but will distend over time. Better from 2025.

Château Latour-Martillac Pessac-Léognan Rouge 2020 93 Red

Elegant with good sensory form showing notes of cherries, red prunes, sour cherries, currants, raspberries and pink grapefruit. Full bodied, soft tannins and a finale with optimum elegance and distension. Better from 2025.

Château Puygueraud Francs Côtes de Bordeaux 2020 93 Red

Elegant and refined showing notes of lavender, wild violet, hyacinth and plums. Medium to full bodied, distended and harmonic, striking in its grace and composed polish. Hats off to this! Drink now.

Château La Fleur Saint Georges Lalande de Pomerol 2020 93 Red

Expressive and rich in character showing notes of wild strawberries, sour cherries, lemon peel, bergamot and sandalwood. Full bodied, velvety tannins of optimum quality and a creamy, enveloping finale which surely suprise us more over time. Beautiful right away but better from 2025.

Château la Dauphine Fronsac 2020 93 Red

Rich and strong in the sensory matrix alternating notes of sour cherries, cumin, gunshot powder, sandalwood, incense, juniper berries and cloves. Full bodied, biting tannins and a finale which marries volume with verticality. A lot of new wood which still needs to be integrated and is notable. Better from 2026.

Cap d’Or Saint Georges Saint Emilion 2020 93 Red

Solid and centred, exciting in the terse, precise, wise matrix which blends notes of wild strawberries, sour cherries, red prunes, white pepper, cumin, sandalwood, incense and mixed spices. Medium to full bodied, smooth in the sip showing complexity and tension. The finale is silky and very delicate. Better from 2025.

Château Cap Saint Georges Saint Georges Saint Emilion 2020 93 Red

Mature and decisive in the sensory profile showing notes of black prunes, incense, coriander, lavender, hibiscus and ripe strawberries. Full bodied, biting tannins and a solid finish with centred beauty. It needs some time to distend itself. Better from 2026.

Château Bel Air Jean & Gabriel Lussac Saint Emilion 2020 93 Red

Lively and intense it immediately engages the taster. Notes of wild strawberries blend admirably with cherries, linden, lemon blossom, cut cedar and chopped lime. Full bodied, very extracted, biting tannins and a terse finale which shows a lot of tension from the new wood. Better from 2027.

Clos René Pomerol 2020 93 Red

Solid and complact showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, wild violet, pink grapefruit and pink pepper. Full bodied, tasty and enveloping showing equilibrium and length. Beautiful now but better from 2025.

Château la Croix Saint-Georges Pomerol 2020 93 Red

Solid and centred showing notes of blackberries, cherries, white pepper, sandalwood, mixed blue flowers and cut cedar. Full bodied, soft tannins of optimum craftsmanship and a warm, spicy finale of a hot nature. Better from 2026.

Château Pierre 1er Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2020 93 Red

Elegant and refined showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, cherries, blueberries, wild myrtle, juniper berries and nutmeg. Medium bodied, salty in the sip with a long, tasty closure. Drink now.

Château La Confession Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2020 93 Red

Mature and decisive showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, coriander, hot asphalt, flowering geraniums, burnt orange peel and black pepper. Full bodied, biting tannins, slightly rigid at the moment and a hot, engaging finish. Better from 2026.

Château de Ferrand Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 93 Red

Serious and composed showing notes of blackberries, camphor, orange blossom and mixed white flowers. Full bodied, biting tannins and a progressive finale which lights up from the centre palate onwards. Better from 2027.

Château Larmande Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 93 Red

In the primary profile there are floral scents of rose petals and pressed red flowers. Black prunes and chocolate in the background. Full bodied, biting tannins and a linear finish. Better from 2026.

Château Franc Mayne Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 93 Red

Vibrant and rich showing notes of cherries, cumin and mixed blue flowers. Full bodied, smooth and essential showing notes of hibiscus and marjoram and a linear finale. Better from 2025.

Château Faurie de Souchard Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 93 Red

Solid and centred showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, cherries and coriander. Full bodied, biting tannins and a linear, decisive, tasty finale. Better from 2026.

Château Fonroque Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 93 Red

Strong and structured on the nose showing notes of blackberries, cherries, mixed white flowers and cut cedar. Full bodied, smooth and deep in the sip showing structure and enveloping sensations of a velvety nature. Drink now or hold.

Château Grand Mayne Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 93 Red

Elegant and well projected alternating notes of blackberries, cherries, sweet caramel and wild violet. Full bodied, smooth in the sip showing precision and likeability. Better from 2024.

Château Les Grandes Murailles Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 93 Red

Very deep and captivating showing fullness and precision of execution. Notes of black prunes, blackberries and cinnamon powder blend with spices and medicinal herbs. Full bodied, elegant in the tasting showing complexity and length from the start. Better from 2025.

Château la Garde-Dourthe Pessac-Léognan Rouge 2020 93 Red

Precise and with a natural sensory beauty showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, incense, sage, coriander and white pepper. Full bodied, soft tannins of optimum quality and a tasty finish, really pleasurable and linear. Better from 2025.

Diane de Belgrave-Dourthe Haut-Médoc 2020 93 Red

Juicy and long in the sensory profile showing notes of lavender, hibiscus, geraniums, magnolias, gardenias, elderflowers and hawthorn. Medium to full bodied, soft tannins and a savoury, intriguing finale. Better from 2025.

Heritage de le Boscq-Dourthe Saint-Estèphe 2020 93 Red

Mature and essential showing notes of lavener, hibiscus, hyacinth, almonds, hawthorn and gardenias. Full bodied, perfectly mature and polymerized tannins and a tasty, compact finale of remarkable beauty. Better from 2026.

Château Peyrabon Haut-Médoc 2020 92 Red

Blunt and genuine showing notes of lavender, hibiscus, guaranà and wild strawberries. Full bodied, soft, decidedly elegant and velvety tannins and a creamy, really tasty finale. Wow! Splendid now but better from 2024.

Chateau Beaumont Haut-Médoc 2020 92 Red

Mature and slightly cloudy in the sensory profile showing notes of black prunes, black olives, wet tea leaves and juniper berries. Medium bodied, light tannins and a classic finale of pleasurable length. Better from 2025.

Château Clarke Listrac-Médoc 2020 92 Red

Slightly cloudy on the nose showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, black pepper, wild violet, mandarin peel and coriander. Full bodied, soft tannins and a solid, compact finale which shows personality and tension. Beautiful now but better from 2024.

Château Poujeaux Moulis 2020 92 Red

Rich and deep in character showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, cinnamon powder, talcum and wild strawberries. Full bodied, smooth on the palate showing a distended, elegant closure. Drink now.

Château Branas Grand Poujeaux Sconosciuta 2020 92 Red

Elegant with good sensory expression showing notes of plums, crushed blueberries, mixed flowers and green mandarins. Full bodied, soft, decidedly smooth tannins and a linear, essential finish. Better from 2024.

Château de Camensac Haut-Médoc 2020 92 Red

Elegant and decisive in the sensory profile showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, cherries, sandalwood, wild strawberries and green tea leaves. Full bodied, elegant and tasty with a fine, spicy closure. Splendid now but better from 2025.

Chateau Sociando Mallet Haut-Médoc 2020 92 Red

Precise and juicy on the nose showing notes of fruits of the forest such as raspberries and currants blended with hints hot citron and grapefruit. Medium bodied, light tannins and a finale with good distension. Drink now.

Château Siran Margaux 2020 92 Red

There’s a good presence of new wood which shows itself in the notes of fondant chocolate, hazelnuts, black prunes, blackberries, wild myrtle and cherries. Full bodied, very well smoothed tannins and a dense, enveloping finale which moves a lot of material in a very wise manner. Better from 2025.

Château Desmirail Margaux 2020 92 Red

Very mature on the nose showing notes of plums, mixed prunes, strawberries, figs and green tea leaves. Medium bodied, slightly dry tannins and a finale of medium length. Better from 2024.

Château Prieure Lichine Margaux 2020 92 Red

Very mature on the nose showing notes of black prunes, olives, gigs and sap. Medium bodied, slightly rigid tannins and a tense finale which needs time to come out. Better from 2025.

Château Cantenac Brown Margaux 2020 92 Red

Decisive and enveloping in the serious, layered sensory profile showing notes of plums, wild violet, hyacinth, white pepper, linden and guaranà. Medium bodied, perfectly extracted soft tannins and a graceful, tasty finish. Beautiful now but better from 2025.

Château Meyney Saint-Estèphe 2020 92 Red

Intriguing on the nose showing spiciness in the notes of blackberries, wild myrtle, thyme, marjoram, cumin and sandalwood. Medium bodied, light tannins and a creamy, enveloping finale. Drink now or hold.

Château Tronquoy Lalande Saint-Estèphe 2020 92 Red

Cherries, raspberries, currants and pomegranate describe the sensory profile of this young Saint-Estèphe. Medium bodied, light tannins and a really tasty finale with good harmony. Drink now.

Château Cos-Labory Saint-Estèphe 2020 92 Red

Precise and luminous in the glass offering notes of cherries, raspberries, currants and wild strawberries. Medium bodied, light tannins and a linear, tasty finish of optimum craftsmanship. Drink now.

Château La Fleur Peyrabon Pauillac 2020 92 Red

Mature and classic in the sensory profile showing notes of red flowers, mandarin peel, mixed spices and cherry liqueur. Medium bodied, light tannins and a really tasty finale with good harmony. Drink now.

Château Croizet Bages Pauillac 2020 92 Red

Deep and intriguing showing notes of red prunes, black prunes, wet asphalt, cloves, incense, black pepper and flowering chamomile. Medium bodied, light tannins and a tasty finish with optimum grace. Drink now.

Château de Chantegrive Graves Rouge 2020 92 Red

Luminous and essential showing notes of raspberries, currants, wild strawberries, fondant chocolate, peppermint and incense. Really tight and rigid on the palate showing a notable acidic perception and a finale which needs time to distend. Better from 2025.

Château Bouscaut Pessac-Léognan Rouge 2020 92 Red

Precise and dynamic on the nose showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, sandalwood, incense, cherry, coriander and karkadè. Medium bodied, light tannins of good, rounded form and a tasty, graceful finale. Better from 2025.

Château Alcée Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux 2020 92 Red

Solid and centres showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, crushed blueberries, sour cherries and mixed white flowers. Full bodied, tasty and skilled in the extraction with an enveloping closure, well calibrated in the polyphenolic components. Drink now.

Château Montlandrie Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux 2020 92 Red

Solid and centred showing notes of lavender, hibiscus, geraniums, mixed prunes and coriander. Full bodied, slightly rigid tannins and a vertical finale with optimum progression. Better from 2024.

Château Siaurac Lalande de Pomerol 2020 92 Red

Precise and vibrant on the nose showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, wild blueberries, wild strawberries and mandarin juice. Full bodied, biting tannins and a solid, essential finish with optimum progression. Better from 2025.

Château Canon Pécresse Canon Fronsac 2020 92 Red

Slightly reductive in the sensory profile alternating notes of black prunes, blackberries, camphor, mandarin peel and cloves. Full bodied, smoothed tannins of good craftsmanship and a tasty, serious finish which needs a few years to distend. Better from 2025.

Sacré-Coeur Pomerol 2020 92 Red

Slightly reductive in the glass showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, white pepper, incense, dates, chopped mushrooms and caramel. Full bodied, soft tannins and a tasty, enveloping finale. Better from 2025.

Château Mazeyres Pomerol 2020 92 Red

Solid and centred showing notes of blackberries, cherries, mixed flowers and citrus fruit. In the background there are hints of aromatic herbs but also sour cherries and juicy cherries. Full bodied, smoothes and tasty showing quality and energy which manifests itself with lively impact. Better from 2025.

Château Laroque Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 92 Red

Very mature on the nose showing notes of strawberries, plums and dried prunes. Full bodied, warm in the sip, closing with a good perception of hot spices. Drink now.

Château Rol Valentin Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 92 Red

Very mature on the nose showing strawberries, red prunes and a strong sense of oysters and saltiness in its character. Full bodied, soft tannins and a simple finale, albeit well worked and smoothed. Better from 2026.

Château Grand Corbin-Despagne Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 92 Red

Serious and complex showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, lavender and violet. Full bodied, soft tannins and a tasty, linear finale. Better from 2025.

Château La Tour Figeac Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 92 Red

Solid and centred showing notably mature traces which reveal themselves with dried prunes, wild strawberries and cumin. Full bodied, well smoothed tannins and a finale with good energy. Better from 2024.

Château le Prieuré Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 92 Red

Sensual and dynamic showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, plums and agapanthus flowers. Full bodied, soft tannins and a tasty, linear finish. Better from 2025.

Château Soutard Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 92 Red

Precise with good sensory craftsmanship showing notes of lavender, hibiscus, wild violet and gardenia. Medium bodied, soft tannins and a tasty finale with a pleasingly linear form. Better from 2025.

Château Berliquet Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 92 Red

Precise and essential showing notes of lavender, hibiscus, geraniums, magnolias and gardenias. Medium bodied, well extracted, soft tannins and a finale of medium length, precise and essential. Drink now.

Château Pey la Tour Reserve du Château-Dourthe Bordeaux Supérieur 2020 92 Red

Precise and rich in the sensory profile showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, camphor, mandarin blossom, Indian spices and marjoram. Medium to full bodied, soft tannins and a tasty finale. Better from 2025.

Château Reysson-Dourthe Haut-Médoc 2020 92 Red

Deep and intense in the sensory profile showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, lemon blossom, white chocolate and almonds. Full bodied, very soft tannins and a finale of notable balance and distension. Better from 2025.

La Terrasse de la Garde-Dourthe Pessac-Léognan Rouge 2020 92 Red

Sunny and lively showing notes od black prunes, blackberries, sage, marjoram, fondant chocolate and nutmeg. Full bodied, soft tannins and a salty finale of great quality. Better from 2024.

Château Côtes de Blaignan Médoc 2020 91 Red

Open and juicy in the sensory profile showing notes of hibiscus, linden, mixed white flowers and dried cherries. Medium bodied, biting tannins with great edginess and a tasty, juicy finish which demands a return to the glass. Really beautiful from the start.

Chateau Paloumey Haut-Médoc 2020 91 Red

Decisive and intense in the sensory profile showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, camphor, orange juice, black tea leaves, sandalwood and white pepper. Full bodied, structured and really dense in the sip, moving material in an elegant manner with a voluminous, captivating closure, slightly bitter. Better from 2025.

Chateau Fonreaud Listrac-Médoc 2020 91 Red

Worked in reduction it is a rough diamond of optimum craftsmanship which alternates notes of black prunes, wild myrtle, cassis, black tea leaves and marjoram. Medium bodied, light tannins and a savoury finish with good, dynamic form. Drink now.

Chateau Senajac Haut-Médoc 2020 91 Red

Elegant and radiant showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, wet asphalt, flowering geraniums and bergamot. In the background black olives dominate the secondary scene and add a salty touch. Medium to full bodied, soft tannins and a tasty finish of pleasurable drinkability.

Chateau Les Grands Chenes Médoc 2020 91 Red

Elegant and pronounced, delicately alternating notes of strawberries, red prunes, cherries, raspberries and pink grapefruit juice. Medium bodied, lightly extracted tannins and a compact finish which needs time to come out. Better from 2025.

Château de Malleret Haut-Médoc 2020 91 Red

Intriguing with good sensory workmanship showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, wild myrtle and cassis. Full bodied, sift tannins and a savoury finish. Smoothed and well made. Drink now.

Château Maucaillou Moulis 2020 91 Red

Solid and centred showing notes of blackberries, wild myrtle, black pepper, sage, marjoram, black prunes and juniper berries. Medium bodied, light tannins and a juicy, linear finish. Better from 2024.

Château Monbrison Margaux 2020 91 Red

Mature and smooth in the sensory profile showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, camphor, orange juice and passionflower. Medium bodied, soft tannins of optimum fine grain and a finale with good persistency. Better from 2024.

Château Lilian Ladouys Saint-Estèphe 2020 91 Red

Fresh and fragrant showing notes of lavender, hibiscus, guaranà and crushed blueberries. Medium bodied, light tannins and a simple finish of good quality and fruit. Drink now.

Château Lafon Rochet Saint-Estèphe 2020 91 Red

Decisive in the floral sensory profile alternating notes of lavender, hibiscus, guaranà, cherry, lemon juice and linden. Medium bodied, light tannins and a spicy finish which is slightly rigid at the moment. Better from 2025.

Lacoste-Borie Pauillac 2020 91 Red

Elegant and tasty in the truthful sensory profile, rich in red and white flowers. Citrusy notes describe the secondary scene. Medium bodied, light tannins and a balanced finish with a pleasurable savoury flavour. Drink now.

Château de Chantegrive Graves Blanc 2020 91 Red

Classic with a bohemian sensory nature alternating notes of white peaches, lemon blossom, helichrysum, chamomile and dates. A lot of burnt mandarin peel dominates the secondary scene. Medium bodied, a simple structure and a tasty finish which lacks a little personality. It would be preferable to have either freshness and tension or fattiness and volume, this is halfway between. Drink now.

Château Carlmagnus Fronsac 2020 91 Red

Elegant and classic in the sensory profile alternating notes of black prunes, blackberries, crumbled tobacco, salted caramel and sea salt. Medium bodied, well extracted tannins and a composed, balanced finish of pleasing width. Better from 2024.

Château Grand Corbin Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 91 Red

Deep and layered showing notes of cherries and black prunes. Medium bodied, light tannins and a finale of an open, bitter nature. Better from 2025.

Château Dassault Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 91 Red

Slightly reductive on the nose showing notes of black prunes, blackberries, camphor, burnt mandarin peel and mixed spices. Full bodied, soft tannins and a tasty, linear finish which lacks a little width and depth. Better from 2025.

Château du Taillan Haut-Médoc 2020 90 Red

Juicy and vibrant on the nose showing notes of lavender, hibiscus, guaranà and hyacinth. There’s more in the background with notes of wild violets and white chocolate. Medium bodied, slightly dry tannins and a finish of good workmanship if a little tense at the moment. Better from 2024.

Château Bernadotte Haut-Médoc 2020 90 Red

Raspberries, currants, sour cherries and mixed flowers describe the primary profile of this young Haut-Medoc. Medium bodied, well extracted soft tannins and a finish of good drinkability and grace. Drink now.

Chateau Citran Haut-Médoc 2020 90 Red

Shining in the glass with a layered sensory profile rich in sour cherries, currants, cherries and wild strawberries. Medium bodied, light tannins and a flavourful finish of medium length. Drink now.

Château Fourcas Hosten Listrac-Médoc 2020 90 Red

Solid and intriguing on the nose showing notes of red prunes, sour cherries, cherries, lemon peel and ginger. Medium bodied, light tannins and a finish of medium length which lacks a bit of progression and character. Drink now.

G d’Estournel Médoc 2020 90 Red

Lively and direct in the sensory profile showing notes of strawberries, red prunes, pink grapefruit, cut cedar and mandarin juice. Medium to full bodied, rounded tannins of good craftsmanship and a tasty finish with sweet tones. A blend of 90% Merlot and 10% Cabernet Sauvignon. Drink now.

Chateau La Tour Carnet Haut-Médoc 2020 90 Red

Slightly agitated in the sensory profile showing notes of raspberries, currants, linden, mandarin blossom, pink grapefruit and ginger. Medium bodied, slightly astringent tannins and a finale with good tension. Better from 2024.

Château La Commanderie Saint-Estèphe 2020 90 Red

Precise and vibrant on the nose showing notes of raspberries, currants and pomegranate. Medium bodied, light tannins and a finale of medium length. Drink now.

Château Carbonnieux Pessac-Léognan Rouge 2020 90 Red

Very fresh and balsamic in the primary profile showing notes of raspberries, peppermint, green tea leaves and citronella. Full bodied, very smooth tannins and a static finish of precise craftsmanship but lacking a little polish. To re-taste in order to re-assess possible defects in the bottle. Better from 2024.

Château Thieuley Côtes de Bordeaux 2020 90 Red

Shining and sunny with fresh Mediterranean traces. The notes of strawberries blend well with pressed blueberries, mixed flowers and citrus fruit. A lot of eucalyptus dominates the secondary scene. Medium to full bodied, smooth and essential on the palate showing consistency and juiciness. Drink now.

Château Reynon Côtes de Bordeaux 2020 90 Red

Pronounced and rich in the sensory profile showing notes of red prunes, mixed tea leaves, cumin, wild myrtle and juniper berries. Medium to full bodied, a warm structure with good consistency and a simple finish which lacks a little polish. Drink now.

Château Mont-Pérat Côtes de Bordeaux 2020 90 Red

Luminous and crunchy showing notes of jasmine flowers, mandarin peel, wild thyme and calendula. Medium bodied, light tannins and a graceful, tasty finish. Drink now.

Girolate Côtes de Bordeaux 2020 90 Red

Alive and potent in the sensory profile alternating notes of black prunes, blcakberries, cumin and white pepper. There’s a lot of spiciness in the background which tells of the presence of new wood. Medium to full bodied, a soft structure and a pleasantly luminous finish. Drink now.

Château Fontenil Fronsac 2020 90 Red

Very mature on the nose showing notes of ripe strawberries, blackberries, cherries and wild myrtle. A lot of green tea leaves dominate the secondary scene. Medium bodied, light tannins and a finale of medium progression. Drink now.

Château Quinault l’Enclos Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé 2020 90 Red

Precise and radiant in the glass showing notes of mixed flowers, citron, lime and camphor. Medium bodied, light tannins and a tasty finish of pleasurable equilibrium. Better from 2025.

Château Corbin Michotte Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2020 90 Red

Fresh and balsamic to the nose, it shows notes of wild strawberries, cherries, lemon blossom and guarana. In the background, a slight presence of green olives dominates the secondary scene. Full body, very soft tannins and a finish of a warm nature that lacks some length. Drink now.

Château Clauzet Saint-Estèphe 2020 89 Red

Château Gigault Côte de Blaye Côtes de Bordeaux Cuvée Viva 2020 89 Red

Château Naujan Bordeaux Supérieur 2020 89 Red

Château Vrai Canon Bouché Fronsac 2020 89 Red

Château de Carles Fronsac 2020 88 Red

Château Taillefer Pomerol 2020 88 Red

White Wines

Producer Denomination Wine Vintage Score Type
Château Cos D’Estournel Bordeaux Blanc Blanc 2020 95 White

Complex on the nose showing notes of rose petals, camphor, magnolias, gardenias and elderflowers. Full bodied, fatty in the tasting showing tension and acidity, it lengthens from the central palate onwards with a really remakable progressive push. Impossible to resist now but better from 2024.

Château Olivier Pessac-Léognan Blanc Blanc 2020 94 White

Elegant and refined, decidedly compact in the sensory profile showing notes of magnolias, gardenias, linden, almonds and hawthorn. Lime and citronella describe the secondary scene donating juiciness and character to the matrix. Full bodied, fatty on the attack showing savouriness and a layered character which offers up a noble closure of optimum persistency. Better from 2024.

Domaine de Chevalier Pessac-Léognan Blanc Blanc 2020 94 White

Serious and decidedly fascinating showing notes of white peaches, linden blossom, jasmine, lemon peel, bergamot, white pepper, sandalwood and cut grass. Medium bodied, a solid, centred structure and an intriguin finale which will come out over time. Better from 2024.

Château Valandraud Bordeaux Blanc Blanc 2020 94 White

Regal and really vibrant on the nose showing notes of orange blossom, lemon, citronella, vetiver and marjoram. Full bodied, structured and polished in the sip showing dynamicity and complexity in the closure. Better from 2024.

Clos des Lunes Bordeaux Blanc Lune d’Argent 2020 93 White

Elegant and showing complexity in the notes of jasmine flowers, linden, elderflower, lime and bergamot. Full bodied, a fatty structure of notable beauty and a solid, intriguing finale which shows energy and character in the most harmonic, balanced manner possible. Better from 2024.

Domaine de la Solitude Pessac-Léognan Blanc Blanc 2020 93 White

Energy and sensory character to sell in the alternation between white flowers to white pulp of various levels of maturity. Full bodied, fatty in the sip showing density and volume, it lengthens in the best of manners allowing a remarkable, polished, enjoyable spiciness to emerge. Drink now or hold.

Pagodes de Cos Bordeaux Blanc Blanc 2020 93 White

Elegant with remarkable sensory beauty alternating notes of acacia and gardenias with hints of apple, pear and jasmine. Full bodied, fatty in the sip showing maturity and depth in a solid manner yet graceful at the same time. Splendid. A blend of 70% Sauvignon and 30% Semillon. Better from 2024.

Château Malartic Lagraviere Pessac-Léognan Blanc Blanc 2020 93 White

Linear and decisive in the sensory profile showing a notable quantity of fermentation esters such a apples, pears and bananas well blended with the more complex notes of lemons, sandalwood and chopped celery. Full bodied, fatty with a balanced, terse closure. Drink now or hold.

Château Pape Clement Pessac-Léognan Blanc Blanc 2020 93 White

Solid and authentic showing notes of green apples, white peaches, Cantaloupe melons, almonds, mixed white flowers and boxwood. Medium to full bodied, a rounded structure with good fattiness and a classic finale with great personality. Drink now.

Château Rahoul Graves Blanc Blanc 2020 93 White

Intriguing and fascinating on the nose showing notes of lemon, white pepper, crushed stone, linden flowers and mixed medicinal herbs. Full bodied, a polyphenolic structure of optimum tension and a solid, centred, decidedly vibrant finale. Better from 2024.

Clos Floridene Graves Blanc Blanc 2020 92 White

Slightly vinous on the nose showing notes of wet white flowers, almonds, incense, white pepper, wilted linden and lime juice. Medium to full bodied, a fatty structure and a tasty finale with pronounced savouriness. Better from 2025.

L’Esprit de Chevalier Pessac-Léognan Blanc Blanc 2020 92 White

Classic and regal showing notes of white peaches, pears, lemon blossom, lime, cut cedar and vetiver. Medium bodied, savoury in the tasting showing juiciness and a pleasing concreteness. Drink now.

Château Brown Pessac-Léognan Blanc Blanc 2020 92 White

Precise and vibrant on the nose showing notes of yellow peaches, apples, pears, apricots and medlars. Full bodied, a fatty, solid structure in the oxidative style and a balanced, harmonic finale which lacks a bit of material and acidity. Drink now.

Château Larrivet Haut-Brion Pessac-Léognan Blanc Blanc 2020 92 White

Elegant and solid in the sensory profile alternating notes of lemon blossom, acacia and jasmine well blended with nuances of grapefruit, boxwood and coriander. Medium to full bodied, fatty in the sip showing character and savouriness. Drink now.

Virginie de Valandraud Bordeaux Blanc Blanc 2020 92 White

Graceful in character and in the sensory energy showing notes of lemon peel, lime, jasmine flowers and magnolia. Full bodied, an enveloping structure, very warm in the sip and a finale with good predisposition and fattiness. Better from 2024.

Château Ferran Pessac-Léognan Rouge 2020 91 White

Raspberries, currants, wild strawberries and marjoram are the primary scents which this young Pessac Leognan presents. Medium to full bodied, biting tannins of great quality and a solid, centred finish. Beautiful from the start. Drink now.

Château Chantegrive Blanc Graves Blanc 2020 91 White

Elegant with a precise, essential nature showing notes of hawthorn, gardenia, linden and acacia. Medium bodied, a balanced structure with good fattiness and an honest, genuine finish with a subtle sweet presence in the closure. Drink now.

Château Cantelys Pessac-Léognan Blanc Blanc 2020 91 White

Slightly heavy in the sensory profile showing notes of white peaches, apricots and wet white flowers. Medium bodied, a soft structure and a finale of medium envelopment. Drink now.

Château Lespault-Martillac Pessac-Léognan Blanc Blanc 2020 91 White

Intriguing with good sensory luminosity alternating notes of geraniums, rose petals, linden, camphor and white almonds. Medium to full bodied, a fatty structure and a savoury finale of medium polish. Drink now.

Château Latour-Martillac Pessac-Léognan Blanc Blanc 2020 91 White

Fresh and precise on the nose showing notes of lemons, white peaches, almonds, mixed white flowers and cut grass. Medium bodied, a fatty structure and a juicy, linear finish. Drink now or hold.

Château Thieuley Bordeaux Côtes Blanc Blanc 2020 91 White

Precise and essential showing notes of lemon, boxwood, cut grass, split vine and flowering chamomile. Medium to full bodied, a very luminous structure and a vibrant finish with good tension. Better from 2024.

Château Reynon Cadillac Côtes de Bordeaux Blanc 2020 91 White

Fatty with an optimum sensory aspect showing notes of white peaches, cut grass, wild thyme, cut cedar and marjoram. Full bodied, tasty and intriguing in the sip showing tension and rythm. Better from 2024.

Mont Pérat Bordeaux Côtes Blanc 2020 91 White

Elegant on the nose showing notes of mixed white flowers such as magnolia, gardenia and hawthorn. Full bodied, fatty and polished in the tasting with an enveloping closure of a slightly liqueury nature. Drink now.

Château Ferran Pessac-Léognan Blanc 2020 90 White

Slightly open in the glass showing otes of pressed white flowers, chamomile and helichrysum. Medium bodied, a balanced structure and a savoury finish with good persistency. Drink now.

Caillou Blanc du Château Talbot Bordeaux Blanc Blanc 2020 90 White

Open on the nose showing notes of yellow peaches, medlars, apples, pears and withered acacia and jasmine flowers. Full bodied, fatty in the sip showing compactness and structure but becomes a little heavy from the centre palate onwards. Drink now.

Château Naujan Entre-deux-Mers Blanc 2020 90 White

Luminous and essential showing notes of lemon blossom, lime peel, white pepper and citronella. Medium bodied, a harmonic, balanced structure and a finish of good craftsmanship even if its slightly thin. Better from 2024.

La Meute Bordeaux Blanc Blanc 2020 90 White

Juicy and vibrant on the nose showing notes of apple, pear, white peach and a lot of mixed citrus fruit. Medium bodied, a solid structure and a very pleasing finish. Drink now.

Girolate Bordeaux Côtes Blanc Blanc 2020 90 White

Elegant and refined on the nose showing notes of lime, green mandarins, magnolias and gardenias. A lot of citrus fruit dominates the secondary scene. Medium bodied, tense in the sip with a slightly bitter closure. Better from 2024.

Château Bouscaut Pessac-Léognan Blanc Blanc 2020 89 White

Château Carbonnieux Pessac-Léognan Blanc Blanc 2020 89 White

Sweet Wines

Producer Denomination Wine Vintage Score Type
Château Coutet Sauternes Barsac 2020 94 Sweet

Sunny and decisive in the glass showing notes of yellow peaches, turmeric, papaya, pineapple and ginger. Full bodied, creamy and tasty in the sip showing remarkable density and a linear, decidedly flavourful finale. Drink now or hold.

Clos Haut Peyraguey Sauternes Barsac 2020 93 Sweet

Serious and elegant in the sensory profile showing notes of acacia, jasmine and gardenia. Full bodied, a decisive, well smoothed structure and an honest, smooth finale of optimum craftsmanship. Drink now or hold.

Château Doisy Daene Sauternes Barsac 2020 93 Sweet

Solid and intriguing in the sensory matrix showing notes of yellow peaches, mango, papaya and chopped pineapple. Full bodied, a rounded structure of optimum quality and a spicy finale which is exciting from the start. Better from 2024.

Château Guiraud Sauternes Barsac 2020 93 Sweet

Intriguing and complex showing notes of yellow peaches, medlars, apricots and cut cedar. Full bodied, a balanced, harmonic structure and a creamy finale, really modern in its smoothness and flowing character. Drink now or hold.

Château Doisy Védrines Sauternes Barsac 2020 92 Sweet

Rich and mature on the nose showing notes of mango, papaya, pineapple, cut cedar and lemon juice. Full bodied, a polyphenolic structure of great quality and a tasty finale with a graceful, performing closure. Drink now.

Château Filhot Sauternes Barsac 2020 91 Sweet

Solid and centred showing notes of yellow peaches, turmeric, ginger and mango. Full bodied, rounded and fatty in the tasting showing elegance and good structure. Drink now.

Château de Rayne Vigneau Sauternes Barsac 2020 91 Sweet

Solid and centred showing energy and character in the notes of yellow peaches, ginger, mandarin blossom, orange juice and marjoram. Medium bodied, a linear structure and a pleasant finale with a slightly thin closure. Drink now.

Lieutenant de Sigalas Sauternes Barsac 2020 90 Sweet

Orange blossom, chamomile and cut cedar describe the sensory profile of this young Sauternes. Medium bodied, an alcoholic structure and a finale of medium persistency. Drink now.

Château de Myrat Sauternes Barsac 2020 89 Sweet

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